Da die Arbeitssprache der DocAG Englisch ist, ist auch die folgende Beschreibung auf Englisch verfasst:

General goals

The Discourse Analysis Doc-AG, as implied by its name, is focused on the methodology of discourse analysis. Discussions at meeting will either focus on the method in general, or on the research of members, according to their needs.

The working group is aimed at offering members a gradual and reciprocal introduction to discourse analysis, through systematic exploration of the basic as well as advanced developments of the techniques and theoretical background related to this methodology. The working group will begin with reviewing classical and canonical texts of discourse analysis (such as Saussure, Bakhatin, Foucault, Barthes), and will later produce a list which could serve as an initial bibliography of the methodology. In discussion and investigation of various principles of inquiry of discourse analysis, members will debate the advantages and disadvantages of the methods for diverse purposes and goals, and the different course of development of the methodology in different countries and traditions of research.

Furthermore, the working group will offer members the opportunity to present their own work and challenges they face while applying the methodology in their research. It is hoped that the theoretical and methodological basis that will be developed through the meetings of the group will help members in their application of the method, and that the possibility of receiving assistance and support from other members will be both useful and fruitful.

Working Method

The group will meet once a month (mostly via Skype), and will place 1-2 papers for discussion at each meeting.

Reading materials will be distributed before each meeting (at least one week in advance), to ensure proper and fruitful participation.

Later on, the working group will also invite outside experts on the methodology for seminars, and introduction workshops to relevant software tools are also envisioned (e.g. Lexico 3).

Members and working title of  the dissertation

Marija Grujic

Working title of the dissertation: Serbian Nationalism and Internally Displaced Persons from Kosovo – the intersection of religious, national and gender identities

Aviv Melamud

Working title of the dissertation: Negotiating compliance in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty regime: the evolution and role of justice perceptions in treaty interpretation

Kristina Nottbohm

Working title of the dissertation: Feminism and Multiculturalism. Debates About an Influential Contradiction. A Comparison Between Germany and France.

Beatriz Junqueira Lage Carbone

Working title of the dissertation: Continuities and Discontinuities in the Bolsa Família Program Public Debate: Analyzing Poverty and Prejudice in Brazil.

Luis Manuel Hernández Aguilar

Working title of the dissertation: Becoming German Muslim-Muslim German. On racism, hyphen’s politics and the German Islam Conference.


Aviv Melamud (Aviv.melamud@gmail.com)

Marija Grujic (grujic@em.uni-frankfurt.de)


Why Discourse Matters? 2nd Graduate Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Practices of Discourse Approaches

October 17-18, 2014  Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany.

The conference will focus on the theoretical and methodological implications of employing discourse analysis in interdisciplinary social science research. We are interested in discourse analysis tools of inquiries and their intersection with other techniques of qualitative research such as biographical, narrative analysis, ethnography, or case studies. We also call for contributions that examine the traveling nature and deployment of discourses in international arenas, as well as the inherent changing structure of discourses, emphasizing its mutations and flow in a synchronic and diachronic way.

Keynote speaker: Prof. Ruth Wodak.

 ** Click here ** for more information on the conference, description of panels, and application forms.

 1st Conference: Why Discourse Matters? Theoretical and Methodological Practices of Discourse Analysis, April 25-26, 2014 Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany: Program / concluding report