Scientific Council Paul Ehrlich Foundation

Prof. Dr. Thomas Boehm

Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Paul Ehrlich Foundation

Max-Planck-Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics

Freiburg, Germany

Prof. Dr. Stefan Zeuzem

Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Council

Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the Goethe University

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Bender

Chairman of the Association of Friends and Sponsors of the Goethe University

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Dr. Antina Ziegelmann

Federal Ministry of Health Permanent Representative of the Federal Minister of Health on the Scientific Council

Berlin, Germany

Prof. Dr. Klaus Cichutek

Paul Ehrlich Institute

Langen, Germamny

Prof. Dr. Pascale Cossart

Institute Pasteur

Paris, France

Prof. Dr. Alain Fischer

Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malade

Paris, France

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Jörg Hacker

XXVI. President German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina

Halle, Germany

Prof. Dr. Klas Kärre

Karolinska Institut

Stockholm, Sweden

Prof. Philippa Marrack, Ph.D.


Howard Hughes Medical Institute National Jewish Health

Denver, USA

Prof. Dr. Sir John Walker

MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit

Cambridge, UK

Nobel Prize for Chemistry 1997

Prof. Dr. Peter Walter

The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)

Dept of Biochemistry & Biophysics

San Francisco, USA

Prof. Dr. Sir Gregory Winter

MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology

Cambridge, UK

Nobel Prize Chemistry 2018

Prof. Dr. Ada Yonath

Weizmann Institute

Director Kimmelman Center of Biomolecular Structure and Assembly

Rehovot, Israel

Nobel Prize for Chemistry 2009

(Status: January 2024)