Early Career Award / Prize Winners 

Paul Ehrlich & Ludwig Darmstaedter Early Career Award - Annually since 2006 

The Paul Ehrlich Foundation annually awards this prize to a young independent postdoctoral scientist working in Germany for outstanding research in the field of life sciences. The Paul Ehrlich & Ludwig Darmstaedter Early Career Award is endowed with € 60,000 to be used for research-related purposes.

The award winner is nominated by the Board of the Paul Ehrlich Foundation upon recommendation of the Selection Committee. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to a symposium in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Procedure: After the end of the call for nominations, the Selection Committee chooses a "shortlist" of nominated candidates, who present their research results in a lecture at a symposium. The Selection Committee then proposes the award winner to the Scientific Council of the Paul Ehrlich Foundation.

The award ceremony traditionally takes place on March 14 of each year - on Paul Ehrlich's birthday.