Past Courses

Winter term 2022/2023

Political Economy of Nature

Feministische Perspektiven auf Wissen(-schaft), Natur und Technik (University of Koblenz)

Summer term 2022

Beyond “informatics of domination": Feminist perspectives on science and technology

Winter term 2021/2022

Prekäre Zukünfte? Gesellschaft und Ökonomie im Anthropozän

Summer term 2021

Race and/as technology: biopolitics, engineered inequality, and racism with Dr. Josef Barla

Automated Inequalities? Black Feminist Theories in the Digital Age
Block seminar im Rahmen der Frankfurt Summer School "Decolonisation and Feminisms" with Dr. Josef Barla

Winter term 2020/2021

Soziologie der Psychotherapie with Jonas Rüppel

Summer term 2020

Systems of power (University of Aberdeen)