Research Expertise and Interests

  • kritische Gesellschaftstheorie
  • reale Utopien
  • Formen alternativen Wirtschaftens
  • Commons und Commoning
  • Solidarische Landwirtschaft
  • soziale Bewegungen
  • Arbeitssoziologie
  • Feministische Theorie/ Feministischer Materialismus
  • kritische Männlichkeitsforschung

Commons as Dialectical Relationship

Dissertation Project

In my dissertation project "Commons as a dialectical relationship - between emancipation efforts and appropriation" I am analyzing the debates about commons. Commons represent material and immaterial resources that are collectively managed and used. The specificity lies in the political goal of separating these goods from economic market logics of capitalist a form and giving them a more needs-oriented value. This phenomenon can be observed worldwide and in very different facets. I am particularly interested in whether this is a social approach to fundamental transformations or an expression of neoliberal subject appeal. I would like to explore this area of tension by means of a multi-level analysis.

Starting with an immanent reconstruction and analysis of the debates themselves, central argumentation patterns of critique, solution and concept will be worked out. These insights will then be read together and against each other in order to derive theoretical questions and gaps. In a further step, the findings will be condensed and abstracted so that a theorization as an object-based social research becomes possible.

When Women Become Family Breadwinners

Concluded Research Project

At the centre of the project "When women become family breadwinners: On the significance and construction of gender/identities in families with female heads of households in the context of the precarization of working and living conditions" focuses on families in which, as a result of precarization, working women have become the main breadwinners and thus take over a function that was previously - according to traditional understanding - assigned to the male part.

Specifically, we will investigate whether and how this change of arrangement irritates the construction of gender identities, whether and how norms of recognition in the couple's relationship are thus renegotiated, and finally whether and how the traditional concepts of femininity and masculinity are reconfigured or reaffirmed. Asking this question, the proposed project is located in the rather young area of precarity research, but bridges to questions within gender and family research.