
(2018) “Shall we stop talking about egg donation? Transference of Reproductive Capacity in the growing Spanish Bioeconomy” Workshop: Eggs, Milk, Honey etc: Law and Global Bio-Commodities; Western Sydney University; Sydney, Australia. 6-7 July, 2018.

(2018) “From ARTs to TRCs: Egg donation as key for the Spanish reproductive Bioeconomy” 4S (Society for Social Studies of Science) Annual Conference - TRANSnational STS. Sydney, Australia, 29 of August-1st September, 2018.

(2018) “Making and Understanding Eggs in Post-IVF Biology and Biomedicine in Spain” ReproSoc Conference: Remaking Reproduction: The Global Politics of Reproductive Technologies, University of Cambridge, 27-29 of June, 2018.

(2018) “¿Donación de óvulos? De las técnicas de reproducción asistida a la transferencia de capacidad reproductiva” Encuentro Ciencia Política, activismo y ciudadanía; Spanish Network of Science and Society Studies (Red ESCTS) & Catalan Society of History of Science and Technology; Valencia.30th of May, 1st of June, 2018.

(2016) “La donación de óvulos y las donantes en el imaginario del personal biosanitario: claves de la expansión de la bioeconomía reproductiva en el Estado español” XI Workshop Internacional Ciencia, Tecnología y Género; Philosophy Institute - CSIC, Madrid, 2-4 November, 2016.

(2016) “Eggs as condensations: frames of intelligibility within Biology of Reproduction” 4S & EASST Annual Conference: Science and Technology by other means: Exploring collectives, spaces and futures; Barcelona, 31st of September, 3rd September 2016.

(2015) “The intertwined (re)production of heteronormativity, capitalism and babies” at the 24th IAFFE Annual Conference International Association for Feminist Economics “Gender Equality in Challenging Times” Berlin School of Economics and Law, Berlin, Germany. July 16th-18th, 2015.

(2015) “Imaginarios en torno a los óvulos: flujos entre aulas de biología y clínicas de reproducción asistida” at the 1st International Conference of Antroplogy AIBR, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, UAM, Madrid 7th-10th July, 2015.

(2015) “¿Qué es qué puede un óvulo? Mutaciones de lo biológico en las (bio)economías de la reproducción” presentation at 5th Spanish State Conference on Feminist Economics, Universitat de Vic, Universitat Central de Catalunya, Vic, 2nd-5th July, 2015.

(2015) “Mapa de los significados de la donación de ovocitos en las bioeconomías reproductivas del Estado español” XXIII Congreso Internacional sobre Derecho y Genoma Humano, UPV/EHU – Deusto; Bilbao, 10-11 of April, 2015.

(2014) “Imaginaries around oocytes: The (re)production of heteronormativity and capitalism at the cell level” Invited to the Research-in-Progress Symposium, Department of Sociology, Cambridge University, 2014.

(2014) “Feminist dialogues on care to envision imaginaries around gametes” Panel “Design/Think with care, STS and local Issues II” 4S – Society for Social Studies of Science Meeting, Buenos Aires, Argentina. August 2014.

(2014) “Imaginaries around eggs within scientific contexts” Presentation at the BSA – British Sociology Association, Postgraduate Conference: The Sociology of Mediated Reproduction. De Monfort University, Leicester. 29th of May 2014.

(2013) “Otredades reproductivas e imaginarios heteronormativos: el caso de la partenogénesis” XI Congreso Español de Sociología – FES Federación Española de Sociología; Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 10, 11 y 12 de Julio.

(2013) “Parthenogenesis? An elusive process within heteronormative imaginaries” Annual Meeting Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society IAS-STS “Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies” Graz, 6-7 May 2013.

(2012) “Hopes and fears for parthenogenesis: a feminist approach over scientific research” IX Workshop “Cartographies of the body CSIC, Institute of Philosophy, 2012.

(2010) “Reproducción y sexo en los discursos científicos” Comunicación presentada en el X Congreso Español de Sociología, FES – Federación Española de Sociología, Universidad Pública de Navarra. Grupo de Sociología de la sexualidad. July, 2010.

Collective Presentations

Weis, Christina; Lafuente-Funes, Sara; Hudson, Nicky (2019). Whose eggs? Egg providers' perspectives on the creation and utilisation of eggs in the reproductive bio-economy XI AFIN Conference Towards reproductive (in)justice? Mobilities, Technologies, Labourings & Decisions. Granada, September, 2019.

Hudson, N; Coveney, C; Culley, L; Goethals, T; Herbrand, C; Lafuente, S; Pavone, V; Pennings, G; Provoost, V; Weis, C (2019). Egg providers' views on the use of surplus eggs in the UK, Spain and Belgium: implications for information giving and informed consent European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology ESHRE 35th Annual Meeting.

Hudson, Coveney, LaFuente, Provoost, Culley, Herbrand, Pavone, Pennings (2018). “Materialising the perfect egg ‘donor’: examining the work of screening technologies in clinical, commercial and counselling practices” British Sociological Association, Medical Sociology 50th anniversary Conference, Glasgow, September, 2018.

Coveney, C., Hudson, N., Lafuente, S., Provoost, V., Herbrand, C., Pavone, V., Culley, L. & Pennings, G. (2018). “Gifting, sharing, donating, helping: tracing discourses of altruism and medical need in clinics’ recruitment of egg providers” British Sociological Association, Medical Sociology 50th anniversary Conference, Glasgow, September, 2018.

Provoost, V. Coveney C. Culley L. Herbrand C. Lafuente S. Pavone Pennings, G. and Hudson, N. (2018). “A comparative analysis of marketing materials used to recruit egg donors in Belgium, Spain and the United Kingdom”. European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology ESHRE 34th Annual Meeting. Barcelona, 1-4 July 2018.

Coveney C., Hudson N., Culley L., Herbrand C., Pavone V., Pennings G., Proovost V., Lafuente S. (2018). “Visualising reproductive donation online. An analysis of fertility clinic websites in the UK, Belgium and Spain” Invited paper at Visualising Reproduction. Symposium hosted by DMU, Leicester, 4th June, 2018.

Lafuente, S., Pavone, V. (2013). “Patients, consumers or what? Routes of medicalization and commercialization in PGD/PGS in Spain” 4S Annual Conference, San Diego, 9-12 Oct. 2013.

Pavone V., Lafuente S. (2013). “Pacientes, consumidoras o ninguna de las dos: narrativas y posicionamientos de mujeres en el caso de diagnóstico genético pre-implantacional en el estado español” presented with Vincenzo Pavone (CSIC) Encuentro de la Red de Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología esCTS. Barcelona, 19-21 of June, 2013.

Invited Participation

(2014) IVF Histories and Cultures II ReproSoc Event, Christ’s College, Cambridge. Invited participation by Sarah Franklin. 11-12 December.

(2014) IVF Histories and Cultures I ReproSoc Event, Christ’s College, Cambridge. Invited participation by Sarah Franklin; 22-23 of June.

​ Organisation

(2018) Panel “Bioeconomies - Life, Technologies, and Capital in the 21st Century” Co-organised with Vincenzo Pavone and Tess Doezema; at the 4s Annual Conference, Sydney, Australia, 31st August.

(2014) Panel “(re)Thinking the Bioeconomy” Co-organised with Vincenzo Pavone, Luisa Reis Castro and Eric Deibel; at 4S and ESOCITE Meeting, Buenos Aires, Argentina. August 2014.