Ombudsperson for Scientific Misconduct

Ombudspersons for handling scientific misconduct and a standing commission to investigate accusations of scientific misconduct are responsible for cases of scientific misconduct or violations of the fundamentals of good scientific practice (see: “Grundsätze der JWG-Universität zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis“ (Fundamentals of Goethe University to Ensure Good Scientific Practice) from 22 October 2003.

When should you contact an ombudsperson?

  • When there is a suspicion of scientific misconduct: both if someone else is accused, and as council if you have been accused
  • For general advice on questions of scientific misconduct

When does the commission get involved?

  • The commission's competence is restricted to misconduct instances that have already been investigated by ombudspersons, or which are otherwise obvious
  • The commission does not advise – it makes a judgement

Imminent Danger



Prof. Dr. Christian Wiese
T: 069/798-33313

Prof. Petra Döll
T: 069/798-40219