Erasmus+ Internships 

Go Abroad with Erasmus+

With the Erasmus+ Internship Program you can get your internship abroad in the Erasmus+ area funded quickly and easily!

  • With the EU grant program Erasmus+, you can have a self-organized internship abroad funded in one of the 27 EU member states as well as Iceland, Macedonia, Norway, Liechtenstein, Serbia, Turkey, and overseas territories.
  • Almost all study-related internships can be sponsored (except internships in EU institutions) that last at       least 60 days.
    According to Erasmus regulations, each month is calculated at a flat rate of 30 days, i.e. even a month with 31 calendar days will be "reduced" to 30 days.
  • You can apply flexibly up to one month (30 days) before the start of your internship.
         (max. 5 months before the start of your Internship)
    -> The funding period must correspond to the full internship period, shortened applications deviating from the period cannot be funded. 
  • The maximum funding period for an internship abroad is 6 months.
  • You will receive a monthly lump sum of currently between 690€ and 740€.
  • And best of all, Erasmus+ offers a very high probability of funding. If you meet the eligibility requirements and submit the application on time, funding is almost certain!

  • To carry out an internship in the United Kingdom, students need a Temporary Worker-Government         Authorised Exchange Visa (T5) - also called Tier5 (GAE).
  • In order to apply for such a visa, an application for a Certificate of sponsorship (CoS) must first be made. Only after this has been granted can the visa application be submitted.
  • The issuance of a CoS is done by a licensed sponsor or by the organization/company where the internship is completed. Accordingly, the internship sponsor must be on the UK government's list of organizations and thus licensed to support the visa process. Accordingly, internship placements in the United Kingdom are only possible if the host organization itself is licensed to issue the Certificate of sponsorship.

    A UK government overview of already licensed organizations and companies is available here.
  • Research internships of less than 6 months may be an exception to this. If the research institutions confirm the status of "Visiting Student / Researcher" to the interns, the application for the CoS and the T5 visa may be omitted. Please check this on a case-by-case basis with the host institution and in consultation with the British Embassy.

Further information on the procedure and application for the visa for an internship abroad in the United Kingdom can be found here

In addition, detailed information on Brexit and visa is available on the DAAD website.

  • An Erasmus+ application is still possible in the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • If there is a travel warning issued by the German Foreign Office for the destination country, you will initially only be granted a conditional approval.
  • If you are able and willing to physically start the internship in the destination country, the Erasmus+ funding will also be paid - regardless of whether the Covid-19 conditional travel warning still exists or has been lifted.
  • Please keep in mind the financial risk: since the Erasmus+ commitment will be given to you just before the start, costs that might arise in case of a cancellation at short notice cannot be covered by Erasmus+. 

If you are looking for an internship abroad, we have put together some tips and advice on this website, including internship exchanges and placement organizations that you can use.

Application Platform

Contact and Consultation

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Global Office
Eschersheimer Landstraße 155
c/o House of Labour
3. OG - Raum 331
60323 Frankfurt am Main

Luisa Döhner

) +49 (0)69  798 17195

Guidelines for your Erasmus+ Application

Erasmus+ offers scholarships for three categories of internship mobility. The category Erasmus+ Internship for Students applies in most cases.

Erasmus+ Internship for Students

  • Funding for enrolled students during their studies

Erasmus+ Internship for Graduates

  • Funding for students who have already exmatriculated
  • the period of one year after the date of exmatriculation can be supported
  • at the time of application, students must still be enrolled at Goethe University

Erasmus+ Internship for Doctoral Students

  • Funding for doctoral students at Goethe University
  • Internship supports research in the context of the intended doctoral thesis

Um sich für Erasmus+ zu bewerben, müssen Sie folgende Voraussetzungen erfüllen und Bedingungen beachten.

Enrollment and Exmatriculation
  • in the funding line "Students": Enrollment at Goethe University during the entire internship period.
  • only students who are enrolled at Goethe University for full-time studies (no visiting students) are eligible for funding
    -> Students from third countries must hand in a confirmation from their faculty/examination office that the student is completing a full course of study.
  • in the funding line "Graduates": Exmatriculation before the beginning of the internship, but still enrolled at Goethe University at the time of application
  • Degree seeking students who complete the internship in their home country require proof that they have registered their main place of residence in Germany during their studies.
Full-time internships
  • Only full-time internships can be funded (at least 30 hours per week).
Erasmus+ Raum
  • only internships in the Erasmus+ area can be funded; in addition to the 27 EU member states, this also includes Iceland, Liechtenstein, Northern Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Turkey and the United Kingdom (until 2022)
  • Erasmus+ funding is also possible in the overseas territories of the above-mentioned program countries.
Minimum duration of the internship
  • the internship must last at least 60 days to be eligible for Erasmus+ funding
  • these 60 days also include weekends and holidays
Insurance coverage

You must provide proof of the following mandatory insurances in order to receive Erasmus+ funding:

  • Health insurance (German insurance is usually sufficient).
  • Liability insurance
  • Accident insurance

If you are not co-insured by the internship provider, you must provide proof of private supplementary insurance. 

Exclusion criteria

No Erasmus+ funding is possible for:

  • Internships in EU institutions or projects funded by EU funds.
  • Internships in foreign representations of the own country of origin 
Note on the application process

The Erasmus+ Internship Program is administered in Hesse through a consortium at Fulda University of Applied Sciences (eu-placements). The application is first made here at Goethe University. After a preliminary check, we prepare a review of the application and send it together with the application documents to the contact point in Fulda. The final selection takes place there. The scholarship contracts are also issued in Fulda. Therefore, all templates that you have to use for the application are also provided with the symbols of the Fulda University of Applied Sciences.

Application deadline
  • generally: at least 1 month (30 days) before your internship starts via the application platform of Goethe University.
  • Exception: Applications for internships in the United Kingdom must be submitted at least 3 months before the start of the internship.
Application platform
  • Please fill in the application form carefully and submit it
  • you will receive an e-mail with which you can create an application account
  • in the application account you will then upload the required application documents
  • at the end you confirm the completeness of your application; we will then inform you about the next steps
Examination at the Global Office
  • at the Global Office your application will be checked for completeness
  • if your application is submitted on time, you will be given the opportunity to revise your application if something is incomplete
  • complete applications will be sent to Fulda University of Applied Sciences for further processing
  • Curriculum vitae must be based on the Europass template (D, EN)(Registration with Europass to download the completed template as a pdf file is not required. Use the guest access and create your individual CV, as a PDF)
  • Signature and dating is mandatory
Letter of Motivation
  • Justification and description of the internship project based on the guidelines. Please answer all questions listed in the body text.
  • Letter form with letterhead, address, addressee, subject line, dating and signature.
    Regional Contact Point for EU Internships
    c/o Institut inter.research e.V.
    Heinrich-von-Bibra-Platz 1b
    D-36037 Fulda
Certificate of Enrollment
  • valid certificate of enrollment from Goethe University for all semesters that affect the internship period
    (for internships spanning more than one semester, please submit both certificates accordingly)
  • If you do not yet have the relevant certificate of enrollment, submit the one for the current semester and submit the new one as soon as you have it.
Internship Confirmation

  • Informal confirmation from the internship provider confirming the exact period (start and end date) of the internship and the contact details of the internship location.
  • Acceptances in e-mail form can be accepted if the relevant information is included
Insurance declaration
  • It is mendatory to must use the linked template
  • Signature and dating

    The proof of the following insurances is obligatory:
  • health insurance: as a rule, you can enter your German insurance company (if medically necessary return transport and repatriation costs in case of death or pandemic are included)
  • accident insurance abroad (for accidents at work)
  • liability insurance abroad (for damages at the workplace
The Studierendenwerk Frankfurt has taken out a group liability and accident insurance for its students. This also offers limited insurance coverage during study-related internships abroad and is included in the Studierendenwerk fee. However, this only applies to accidents and damage at the workplace. 

Upon request, we will provide you with the necessary insurance data or an alternative template.

However, accident and liability insurance in the private sector is strongly recommended!I

  • It is possible to take out this optional only after pre-admission. You can therefore note in the application that these insurances will be submitted later.
  • Recommendation: the DAAD offers an inexpensive group insurance with a comprehensive insurance package
    (international health, liability and accident insurance coverage)

    Further information on insurance coverage can be found here.
Certificate of Recognition
  • Please use the linked template.
  • In the certificate of recognition, your department (through the international officer, examination office, dean of studies) confirms that your planned internship is clearly related to your studies or that it is a compulsory internship.
  • in exceptions, the Global Office can also sign, namely in the case of graduate internships and, if applicable, in the case of voluntary, study-related internships; mandatory internships prescribed in the curriculum must always be confirmed by the faculty.
    Please add the pre-filled template directly to your Erasmus+ online application, or alternatively submit it together with the internship confirmation and matriculation certificate(s) in advance by mail, if your internship is voluntary.
Optional: Application without internship confirmation

An Erasmus+ application without an existing internship commitment is also possible in principle: You will then be accepted into the Erasmus+ program, receive access to the experience reports of former outgoings from all over Hesse and receive the funding as soon as you have found an internship. 

If you apply without a commitment, the application process changes as follows:

  • Application must be submitted at least 2 months before the planned start date
  • in addition to the application documents mentioned above, a DAAD language certificate for the expected working language must be submitted
  • the following documents must be submitted as soon as they are available: internship confirmation, insurance declaration and certificate of recognition 
financial benefits
  • The Erasmus+ internship grant includes monthly funding rates between €690 and €750, depending on destination country.
Country group 1: 750€/month
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • France
  • Iceland
  • Ireland
  • Italiy
  • Liechtenstein
  • Luxembourg
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Sweden
Country group 2: 690€/month
  • Cyprus
  • Czch Republic
  • Estonia
  • Greece
  • Latvia
  • Malta
  • Portugal
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
Country group 3: 690€/month
  • Bulgaria
  • Croatia
  • Hungary
  • Lithuania
  • North Macedonia
  • Poland
  • Romania
  • Serbia
  • Turkey
further benefits
  • Access to the database with internship offers
  • Organizational support in the preparation and implementation of your internship abroad
  • Online support of the internship abroad
  • Training in intercultural skills and other key qualifications
  • Access to the Hands-on Learning Info Module with tips and information from former interns on finding accommodation, internships, life in the internship country, etc.
  • a certificate of participation in the program
Erasmus+ funding requires mandatory proof of sufficient insurance coverage.
You need to provide evidence of the following insurances:
  • Compulsory health insurance (incl. medically necessary return transport and repatriation costs in case         of death or pandemic). 
  • Liability insurance (for damages at the workplace)
  • Accident insurance (for accidents at the workplace)

By virtue of your enrollment at Goethe University, you are in principle covered by accident and liability insurance at your workplace through the Studierendenwerk Frankfurt. To a certain extent, this insurance coverage also applies to study-related stays abroad/internships abroad. 

However, since the scope of this insurance coverage is severely limited, we strongly recommend that all applicants take out additional accident and liability insurance for private use abroad.

If you are covered by your employer's accident and liability insurance at work, you will need to find your insurance number and add it accordingly.
We recommend that you take out insurance for your stay abroad through the DAAD. At the DAAD you can take out a group insurance policy at a reasonable price and receive comprehensive health, liability and accident insurance coverage abroad.
You can find the conditions and information on how to apply here.  
Procedure for taking out an insurance policy with the DAAD: Unfortunately, it is only possible to be included in the DAAD group insurance after you can provide proof of provisional Erasmus+ funding. Therefore, you must have already obtained a provisional commitment for Erasmus+ funding. However, since you already have to issue an insurance declaration in the Erasmus+ application process, we offer you the following way: You can initially only enter your health insurance in the insurance declaration. For liability and accident insurance, you would indicate that the conclusion of insurance with the DAAD will follow. 
After the preliminary acceptance for an Erasmus+ grant, you then conclude the insurance with the DAAD. You then upload the proof of DAAD insurance coverage or an updated insurance declaration in your application account.
Go abroad with children
  • For people who would like to take their child(ren) with them to the host country, there is the possibility to apply for additional funding through the National Agency for ERASMUS in Germany of the DAAD (NA-DAAD). 
  • If you would like to take advantage of this offer, please contact us.
Go abroad with a disability or a chronic illness
  • For persons with a disability or a chronic illness there is the possibility to apply for additional funding via the National Agency for ERASMUS in Germany of the DAAD (NA-DAAD). 
  • Special funds can only be applied for if a restriction of at least 50% according to the disability certificate can be proven.
  • If you would like to take advantage of this offer, please contact us.
Security Regulations

In a situation like we have been experiencing in Europe for some years now, it is difficult to predict how individual countries, regions and cities will present themselves at the time of a planned mobility. As an ERASMUS participant, you go to the host country on your own responsibility. If this should be a country with an unpredictable socio-political situation, it is recommended to register in the crisis precaution list of the German Foreign Office (ELEFAND). If you want to cancel your ERASMUS mobility after it has started due to unforeseeable events in the host country, an individually documented note (dated screenshot) of a travel warning from the German Foreign Office is sufficient for consideration as an Erasmus mobility, even if it should be less than the minimum duration of 2 months.

Regional Center for Erasmus+ Internships 

Finding an Internship Abroad

Further Scholarship Programs