PhD - Doctoral Candidates in Physics

You may apply for a doctorate in physics after achieving a qualifying Master's degree in physics. A doctorate offers further scientific qualification while simultaneously representing the first professional phase of your own, independant research. You may get further information regarding all questions on a doctorate and the PhD degree in physics from the department's professors. An overview on the current fields of research and research projects can be found on the website of each of the department's institutes and working groups. Usually, doctoral candidates work within one of the institute's research projects. External doctorates at cooperating research institutions are possible as well.  

You can get a good overview of the doctoral process from acceptance as a doctoral candidate to the handover of the certificate here!

GRADE - Goethe Research Academy for Early Career Researchers

GRADE is the central research academy of the Goethe University and offers multi-disciplinary qualification programs, guidance, and support to researchers during the early stages of their careers. Early Career Researchers can participate in our comprehensive training program in the areas of Inter-/Transdisciplinarity and Intercultural Competence, Science, Management, Career and Languages. 

We also offer several other support and service options for your research, career and personal development: Networking events, individual consulting, funding opportunities, and much more.

...visit the GRADE homepage