Kristina Lindemann, Ph.D.

Research Fellow


Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main
Department Social Sciences
Institute for Sociology

Campus Westend - PEG Gebäude
Hauspostfach 15
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6
60323 Frankfurt am Main

Office: PEG 3.G147 
Tel: (069) 798-36632
E-Mail: lindemann[at]

P.I. of the project Family Instability and Educational Inequality


Kristina Lindemann is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Sociology at Goethe University Frankfurt. Currently she is working on the research project “Family Instability and Educational Inequality" funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG program Eigene Stelle).

Her work focuses on educational inequality, intergenerational mobility, family dynamics, migration and comparative quantitative analysis. In her current project, she studies the role parental separation plays in shaping children's educational attainment and its dependence on societal contexts. She has also done research on the intergenerational effects of parental unemployment, ethnic inequalities in education and perceptions of social stratification.

She has a Ph.D. degree in sociology from Tallinn University. She has been a visiting fellow at the MZES in Mannheim and at the BIGSSS in Bremen. Her research has been published in Social Forces, European Sociological Review, International Migration Review, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies and in Research in Social Stratification and Mobility.

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Publications and Presentations

Papers in peer-reviewed academic journals

  • Jensen, S., Lindemann, K. and Weiss, F. (2023) Parental job loss and the role of unemployment duration and income changes for children's education, European Sociological Review,
  • Lindemann, K. and Gangl, M. (2020) Parental Unemployment and the Transition into Tertiary Education: Can Institutions Moderate the Adverse Effects? Social Forces, 99(2), 616–647,
  • Lindemann, K. (2020) How Labor-Market Integration Affects Perceptions of Discrimination: School-to-Apprenticeship Transitions of Youth with Migration Background in Germany. International Migration Review, 54(4) 1045–1071,
  • Lindemann, K. and Gangl, M. (2019) The Intergenerational Effects of Unemployment: How Parental Unemployment Affects Educational Transitions in Germany. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility,
  • Lindemann, K. and Gangl, M. (2019) Parental Unemployment and the Transition to Vocational Training in Germany: Interaction of Household and Regional Sources of Disadvantage. European Sociological Review, 35(5), 684–700,
  • Lindemann, K. and Unt, M. (2016) Trapped in 'Involuntary' Work in the Late Career? Retirement Expectations versus the 'Desire to Retire' in Estonia. Studies of Transition States and Societies, 8(3), 60–77,
  • Lindemann, K. (2014) The Effects of Ethnicity, Language Skills, and Spatial Segregation on Labour Market Entry Success in Estonia. European Sociological Review, 30 (1), 35–48,
  • Lindemann, K. and Saar, E. (2014) Contextual Effects on Subjective Social Position: Evidence from European Countries. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 55(2), 3–23,
  • Lindemann, K. and Kogan, I. (2013) The Role of Language Resources in Labour Market Entry: Comparing Estonia and Ukraine. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 39 (1), 105–123,
  • Lindemann, K. and Saar, E. (2012) Ethnic Inequalities in Education: Second Generation Russians in Estonia. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 35 (11), 1974–1998,
  • Lindemann, K. (2007) The Impact of Objective Characteristics on Subjective Social Position. Trames: Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 1, 54–68,


  • Lindemann, K. (2013) Structural Integration of Young Russian-speakers in Post-Soviet Contexts: Educational Attainment and Transition to the Labour Market. Tallinn: Tallinn University Dissertations in Social Sciences.

Book chapters (selected)

  • Lindemann, K., and Gangl, M. (forthcoming). Parental joblessness and its intergenerational impact. In J. Blanden, J. Erola, E. Kilpi-Jakonen, & L. Macmillan (Eds.), Research Handbook on Intergenerational Inequality. Edward Elgar.
  • Saar, E., Helemäe, J. and Lindemann, K. (2017) Self-placement of the Unemployed in the Social Hierarchy. In: Edlund, J., Bechert, I., Quandt, M. (eds). Social Inequality in the Eyes of the Public: A Collection of Analysis Based on ISSP Data 1987-2009. Cologne: GESIS, pp. 119-136.
  • Lindemann, K. (2015) The Role of Social Status in Shaping Student Performance. In: Saar, E. (Ed.). Estonian Human Development Report 2014/2015. Tallinn: SA Eesti Koostöö Kogu, pp. 71–77.
  • Lindemann, K. (2013) The School Performance of Russian-speaking Minority in Linguistically Divided Educational Systems: A Comparison of Estonia and Latvia. In: Windzio, M. (Ed.). Integration and Inequality in Educational Institutions. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 45–69.
  • Lindemann, K. and Unt, M. (2013) From Bust to Boom and Back Again: Social Positions of Graduates during Last Decade in Estonia. In: Mõttus, R. and Saar, E. (Eds.). Higher Education in the Crossroad: The Case of Estonia. Bern: Peter Lang Publishers House, pp. 307–341.
  • Lindemann, K. (2013) Education and Skills as Measures of Life Quality. In: Saar, E. (Ed). Social Trends 6. Tallinn: Statistics Estonia, pp. 60–79.
  • Lindemann, K. (2011) The Labour Market Success of Ethnic Groups: the Reality and Perceived Perspectives. In: Saar, E. (Ed.). Towards a normal stratification order. Actual and Perceived Social Stratification in Post-Socialist Estonia. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Publishers House, pp. 283–307.
  • Lindemann, K. and Saar, E. (2011) Ethnic Inequalities in the Educational Career. In: Vetik, R. and Helemäe, J. (Eds.). The Russian Second Generation in Tallinn and Kohtla-Järve: The TIES Study in Estonia. Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam, pp. 59–92.
  • Lindemann, K. (2011) Explaining Different Returns from Human Capital in Labour Market. In: Vetik, R. and Helemäe, J. (Eds.). The Russian Second Generation in Tallinn and Kohtla-Järve: The TIES Study in Estonia. Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam, pp. 93 –118.
  • Saar, E. and Lindemann, K. (2008) Estonia. In: Kogan, I., Gebel, M. and Noelke, C. (Eds.). Europe enlarged: a handbook of education, labour and welfare regimes in Central and Eastern Europe. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 151–181.


  • Lindemann, K., & Gangl, M. (2022). How Did the Great Recession Affect Inequalities in Entry to Tertiary Education? Evidence from 31 Countries. SocArXiv. November 25. doi:10.31235/

Presentations at international conferences

  • 09/2023 “Family structure and the risk of early school leaving: the moderating role of institutional contexts in European countries", Transitions in Youth 2023 conference in Edinburgh (University of Edinburgh).
  • 04/2022 “How do institutional contexts affect the educational outcomes of youth from single-mother families? A comparative study of European countries", ISA RC28 Spring Meeting in London (LSE).
  • 04/2022 “How do social and educational policies affect the educational outcomes of youth from single-mother families? A comparative study of European countries", In_equality Conference in Konstanz (University of Konstanz).
  • 10/2021 “Family instability and educational transitions: explaining heterogeneous effects across social backgrounds in Germany" 19th Conference of the European Divorce Research Network, online.
  • 10/2021 “Educational outcomes of youth from single-mother families: The role of institutional contexts across European countries" ECSR online conference 2021.
  • 05/2021 “Family instability and educational transitions: explaining heterogeneous effects across social backgrounds in Germany", RC28 online conference organized by University of Turku.
  • 03/2019 “How did the Great Recession affect inequalities in entry to tertiary education? Evidence from 28 Countries", RC28 Conference in Frankfurt (Goethe University Frankfurt). (with M. Gangl)
  • 10/2018 “How did the Great Recession affect entry into tertiary education and for whom? Evidence from 22 countries", ECSR Conference in Paris (Sciences Po). (with M. Gangl)
  • 09/2018 “The role of family dynamics in affecting transition to tertiary education", Transitions in Youth 26th Annual Workshop in Mannheim (MZES)
  • 09/2017 “Transition Process into Tertiary Education: The Role of Parental Unemployment in Germany", Transitions in Youth 25th Annual Workshop in Brussels (KU Leuven). (with M. Gangl)
  • 08/2017 “The Role of Parental Unemployment in the Transition to Tertiary Education in Germany", ISA RC28 Summer Meeting in New York (Columbia University). (with M. Gangl)
  • 03/2017 “Perceived Ethnic Discrimination in the Transition from School to Work in Germany", ISA RC28 Spring Meeting in Cologne (University of Cologne).
  • 09/2016 “Equal Access for All in Hard Times: Can Institutions Moderate the Adverse Effect of Parental Unemployment on Transitions into Tertiary Education?", ECSR Conference in Oxford (University of Oxford). (with M. Gangl)
  • 08/2016 “Equal Access for All in Hard Times: Can Institutions Moderate the Adverse Effect of Parental Unemployment on Transitions into Tertiary Education?", ISA RC28 Summer Meeting in Bern (University of Bern). (with M. Gangl)
  • 07/2016 “Unemployment and Transitions to Vocational Training in Germany: The Role of Parental and Regional Effects", 1st NEPS User Conference in Bamberg (LIfBi). (with M. Gangl)
  • 09/2015 “Unemployment and transitions to vocational training in Germany: the role of parental, peer-group and aggregate-level effects", ECSR Conference in Tallinn (Tallinn University). (with M. Gangl)
  • 08/2014 “The Effects of Macro-Societal Configurations on the Timing of Involuntary and Voluntary Early Retirement in Enlarged Europe", GDN/CERGE-EI Regional Research Competition Workshop in Prague. (with M. Unt and K. Täht)
  • 05/2014 “Desire to retire versus 'involuntary' work in late career?" Expectations and preferences in Estonia. Equalsoc Workshop in Mannheim (MZES). (with M. Unt)
  • 09/2013 “Expansion of tertiary education & economic crisis: How does it affect returns to education?"  Transitions in Youth 2013 conference in Berlin (WZB).  (with M. Unt and E. Saar)
  • 09/2012 "Subjective social status in European countries: individual- and national-level factors", ECSR/ EQUALSOC Conference in Stockholm (Stockholm University). (with E. Saar)
  • 07/2012 “Educational Achievement in Linguistically Divided Schools: Comparison of Estonia and Latvia", 6th EducEight International Conference on Ethnicity and Education: Old Issues, New Insights in Newcastle upon Tyne (Northumbria University).
  • 12/2011 “The Changing Influence of Language and Ethnicity on the Labour Market Entry: Young Russian-speakers in Estonia", ECSR Conference in Dublin (University College Dublin).
  • 05/2011 “Ethnic-specific Mid-Career Job Mobility in Estonia", TransEurope conference in Sofia. (with J. Helemäe and E. Saar)
  • 10/2010 “The School Achievement of Second Generation Immigrants in Segmented Educational Systems: The Comparison of Estonia and Latvia", ECSR/QMSS2/TransEurope conference in Bamberg.
  • 05/2010 “The Role of Language Resources for the Labour Market Entry: Comparing Estonia and Ukraine", ISA RC28 spring conference in Haifa (Haifa University). (with I. Kogan)
  • 12/2009 “The Impact of Country-specific Human Capital on Labour Market Opportunities of Ethnic Minority Group in Estonia: Comparison of Public and Private Sectors", ECSR conference in Paris (Sciences Po). (with E. Saar)
  • 08/2009 “Explaining Ethnic Inequalities in the Educational Career of Second Generation Immigrants in Estonia", ISA RC28 summer conference in New Haven (Yale University). (with E. Saar)
  • 06/2009 “Educational Careers of Estonians and Russians", Equalsoc EDUC group conference in Tallinn. (with E. Saar)
  • 05/2008 “Non-Estonians in Estonian Labour Market: Equal opportunities?" (poster), ISA RC28 summer conference in Florence (European University Institute).
  • 05/2007 “Transition from School to Work in Estonia: Estonian and Non-Estonian School Leavers' Opportunities in the Labour Market", ISA RC28 spring conference in Brno.

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