Current Courses & Syllabi

Current Courses (summer term 2024)

Attitudes towards democracy (Lucca Hoffeller, M.A.)

University Calender

Models of (boundedly) rational choices in comparative politics (Roni Lehrer, Dr.)

University Calender

Politics and Crises (Jan Berz, Dr.)

University Calender

Heads of government in national and international politics (Jan Berz, Dr.)

University Calender

Social choice and interest aggregation (Roni Lehrer, Dr.)

University Calender

Upcoming Courses (winter term 2024/2025)

Opportunities and limitations of descriptive political representation (Manuel Diaz Garcia, M.A)

> University Calender

Democracy and Crises (Jan Berz, Dr.)

> University Calender

Attitudes towards democracy (Lucca Hoffeller, M.A.)

> University Calender

BA/MA Thesis Seminar (Jan Berz, Dr.)

> University Calender

BW-E / Sb1: Comparing Educational Policies (Jan Berz, Dr.)

> University Calender

Party Systems and Party Organisation (Jan Berz, Dr.)

> University Calender