Prof. Dr. Birgit Blättel-Mink - Biography


Since 2004 Professorship at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Goethe University Frankfurt with a focus on Industrial Sociology and Organizational Studies

2000 - 2004 Stand-In Chair Sociology of Work and Organisation, University Stuttgart

1999 - 2000 Senior Researcher, Academy of Technology Assessment Baden-Wuerttemberg

1994 - 1999 Post Doc, Senior Researcher, Institute for Sociology, University Stuttgart

1993 - 1994 Fellowship “Human Capital and Mobility", EU

1992 - 1993 Senior Researcher Centre for Social Research – University College Cork, Ireland

1985 - 1992 Research Assistant; Institute for Sociology University Heidelberg


2000  Habilitation, University Stuttgart

1992 PhD Sociology, University Heidelberg

1983Diploma Sociology, University Mannheim