Dr. Rosa Daiger von Gleichen

Post-Doctoral Researcher

Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main
Faculty of Social Science
Sociology Institute
Chair of Sociology specializing in quantitative analyses of social change
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6
PEG-building, room 3.G089
60629 Frankfurt am Main

E- Mail: daiger-von-gleichen@soz.uni-frankfurt.de


Rosa Daiger von Gleichen is a Post-Doctoral researcher in the RISS project. In this position she studies the importance of organizations (e.g. employers, unions, parties, associations) in the internalization and reconfiguration of social structure. She is currently finalizing her doctoral dissertation in Family Policy at the Department of Social Policy and Intervention at the University of Oxford.   

Her dissertation combines approaches from political science and organizational sociology to investigate the determinants of family politicy. She is particularly interested in the relationship between public and occupational family policy. Her comparative country focus is on the USA and Germany. Her first dissertation article investigates the connections between family policy and child poverty in the 50 US states. The resulting publication "Varieties of Liberalism? A comparative analysis of family policy and poverty outcomes across the 50 United States" won the Barnett Prize from the University of Oxford.

Rosa holds a bachelor's degree in political science from Cornell University in the USA and a master's degree in social policy from the University of Oxford. During her PhD she worked as a research fellow at the Institute of Social Policy and as a social policy tutor at the University of Oxford. She was also project manager from 2015 to 2016 and then director of the student think tank OxPolicy. Rosa is a doctoral fellow of the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). In April 2019, she received an award from the British Academy for a text that communicates the value of her research to the general public.


Daiger von Gleichen, R. (2022) 'Employer-provided leaves: Paths to (paid) maternity and paternity leave', in Dobrotić, I. Blum, S. and Koslowski A. (eds) Research Handbook on Leave Policy. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

Daiger von Gleichen, R. and Parolin, Z. (2020) 'Varieties of liberalism: A comparative analysis of family policy and poverty outcomes across the 50 UnitedStates', Social Policy and Administration 54(6), pp. 933-951. doi: 10.1111/spol.12617. 

Parolin, Z. and Daiger von Gleichen, R.(forthcoming) 'Family Policy in the United States: State-Level Variation in Policy & Poverty Outcomes from 1980 to 2015', in Nieuwenhuis, R. and Van Lacker, W. (eds.) Handbook of Family Policy. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.   

Daiger von Gleichen, R.and Seeleib-Kaiser, M. (2018) 'Family Policies and the Weakening of the Male Breadwinner Model', in Shaver, S. (ed.) Handbook on Gender and Social Policy. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 273–307.

von Gleichen, R., Barker, C., Bowen, C., Larsen, O., Shillabeer, O., Tan, G. Y., Wong, W. M. and Youssef, A. (2016) 'Affordable childcare when you need it? Childcare opening hours in the context of the Childcare Act 2016', OxPolicy, (May 2016).

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Photo: Rosa Daiger von Gleichen