Cristian Márquez Romo, Ph.D.

Research Fellow

Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Department of Social Sciences
Institute for Sociology

Campus Westend - PEG Gebäude
Hauspostfach 15
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6
60323 Frankfurt am Main

Office: PEG 1.G056
Tel: (069) 798-36616
E-Mail: MarquezRomo[at]

Researcher for the Project POLAR


Cristian is a postdoctoral researcher in the ERC project POLAR (Polarization and its discontents: does rising economic inequality undermine the foundations of liberal societies?) at the chair for Social Stratification and Social Policy since January 2024. His work in the project focuses on social cohesion and support for democracy. Cristian obtained his PhD in November 2023 at the University of Salamanca (Spain). He studied the individual and contextual drivers of political elites' perceptions and preferences for his doctoral thesis (2023). Before joining POLAR, Cristian was a Latin American Elites project member at the Institute for Iberoamerican Studies from the University of Salamanca. He studied Political Science (BA) and Latin American Studies (MA) in Mexico and Spain and did research visits at the Institute for Future Studies (Stockholm) and Central European University (Budapest). His research interests lie primarily in the intersection between social inequalities and unequal representation. His research has been published in Current Sociology, Legislative Studies Quarterly, Spanish Journal of Sociology, and Journal of Politics in Latin America.

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Winter 2021/22

Comparative Politics (BA level, University of Salamanca)

Winter 2022/23

Comparative Politics (BA level, University of Salamanca)

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Articles in peer-reviewed journals

(2024) Economic inequality and social trust: Evidence from changes observed in 19 countries between 1990 and 2020Revista Española De Investigaciones Sociológicas.

(2023) If unequal, don't change it? The inequality-redistribution puzzle among political elitesCurrent Sociology. (with Hugo Marcos Marne)

(2023) In the eyes of the beholder? Understanding policymakers' perceptions of corruptionLegislative Studies Quarterly. (with Xavier Romero-Vidal)

(2023) Assessing Congressional Institutionalization and Political Elites' Renewal in Latin America Through Legislative AmateurismJournal of Politics in Latin America. (with Gabriel Levita)

(2023) Legisladores y aborto en América Latina: entendiendo la tríada género, religión e ideologíaAmérica Latina Hoy. (with Mónica Montaño Reyes)

(2023) El giro a la izquierda y las fuerzas armadas: convergencia y polarización ideológica en América LatinaRevista Española de Sociología. (with Xavier Romero-Vidal)

(2022) ¿Determinantes de la violencia en las entidades federativas mexicanas? Alternancia partidista y fragmentación criminal como variables explicativasPerfiles Latinoamericanos.

Book chapters

(2024) Los presidentes latinoamericanos y la calidad de la democracia (mit Manuel Alcántara Sáez) in Aguiar Aguilar, A. A. and Montaño Reyes, M. (ed.) Trayectorias y profesionalización de las élites políticas, Forthcoming in Tirant lo Blanch.

(2022) Perspectives on Parity in Mexican Federal Legislators, 2009–2021: Gender, Ideology, and Party Affiliation (mit Mónica Montaño Reyes) in Vidal-Correa, F. (ed.) Political Representation and Gender Equality in Mexico, Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

(2020) Democracy and Political Institutions in Mexico from the Perspective of Parliamentary Elites (mit Patricia Marenghi) in Alcántara, M.; García Montero, M. and Rivas Pérez, C. (ed.) Politics and Political Elites in Latin America, Publisher: Springer.

Reports & and Outreach (selected)

(2023) "Why politicians downplay corruption while in power", Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS), University of Cambridge

(2022) "Latin American elites and armed forces: a tale of ideology and trust", London School of Economics (LSE), Latin America and Caribbea

(2020) "Trayectorias de violencia y enrolamiento criminal juvenil en México", Este País

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