UN Simulations

UN Simulations in general

The team “International Institutions and Peace Processes” provides students opportunities to participate in international UN simulations. This includes the preparation for a delegation to the National Model United Nations (NMUN) in New York each year as well as the substantial and organizational support for the student team that organizes such a conference - the MainMUN - every winter in Frankfurt as well. It is a largely independent student project, which is supported and supervised by the team of International Institutions and Peace Processes. The teaching project "Uni goes UNO" was initiated in 2002 by Prof. Dr. Tanja Brühl at Goethe University. 

 Goals of the teaching project

Students benefit in many ways by participating in the projects. They can actively learn about and shape diplomatic negotiation processes in international organizations. On the one hand, they acquire profound knowledge about the structure and functioning of the United Nations as well as about current global political issues, such as "Climate Change as a Challenge in the 21st Century" or "Privatization of Security". On the other hand, the independent project work with self-set goals serves the acquisition of key qualifications and knowledge in project management.

Thus, the students are responsible for fundraising, public and press relations in teamwork and, in the case of MainMUN, also for the complete organization of the four-day conference. In addition to intensive training in presentation and negotiation techniques, rhetorical skills in the English language (working language of the simulations) are trained with the aim of gaining negotiation skills in the world language. In addition, participation in the projects can serve as a career orientation, since direct and authentic insights into the career field "International Organizations and Foreign Service", which is attractive for political scientists, are provided.

More detailed information on the individual UN simulations can be found below.

National Model United Nations (New York)

NMUN delegation 2023

As early as 1946, students from around the world came together to represent a country of their choice in the international political arena. The National Model United Nations has a long-standing tradition of enabling student delegations to gain practical insights into the workings of the United Nations, apply their learned knowledge, further develop their soft skills, communicate in English on a negotiation basis, make new friends and establish contacts around the world.

The National Model United Nations, or NMUN, is organized by a non-governmental organization that works closely with the United Nations. Year after year, it makes it possible for students to become diplomats for a short period of time, representing the interests of their state in the bodies of the United Nations in New York.


Since 2003, students of political science have had the opportunity to travel to New York annually for Goethe University as part of an approximately 25-member delegation and represent a UN member state in the bodies of the world organization. In order to master this challenge, the prospective diplomats have to prepare intensively for their tasks, e.g. in the Security Council or the General Assembly. The project period begins in the summer semester and lasts one year, during which they participate in a main seminar on the United Nations and an NMUN project seminar with weekend workshops. In addition, they have to contribute to the success of the cost-intensive project through independent teamwork in the areas of fundraising, web presence, press relations, etc.

During the simulation, the students' tasks include seeking allied representatives of other states, forming alliances, writing resolutions, and representing the positions of "their" state in formal meetings and informal negotiations and enforcing its goals. In addition to cultural understanding, diplomatic conduct and behavior in accordance with the UN "rules of procedure", the rules of simulation, are also required.


Several Frankfurt delegations have received awards for their achievements and were, for example, honored with the Position Paper Award for their previously prepared position papers and thus for their very good preparation for the conference. The realistic and convincing appearance on site was also rewarded several times with an Outstanding Delegation Award. The Peace Research Institute Frankfurt is the patron of the project and supports the student "diplomats" in many ways.

Main Model United Nations (Frankfurt)

The Frankfurt UN simulation was initiated by former NMUN delegates. Since 2005, the Westend campus of the Goethe University has been transformed into a diplomatic parquet for four days every year. With an average of 200 delegates from all over Europe, MainMUN has established itself as one of the largest MUN conferences in Germany. The conference and its supporting program, which includes expert panels, prominent guest speakers and evening events, are organized and run on a volunteer basis by a team of students who come together every summer. The department supports the teams in this endeavor.

More information about MainMUN can be found here.