Ella Gierß

Student Assistant
Goethe University Frankfurt
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Political Science

House "Normative Ordnungen"
Max-Horkheimer-Straße 2, Room 3.13
Map of the Campus Westend

E-Mail: Gierss@em.uni-frankfurt.de

Research Focus

I am a Master's student in Political Theory, focusing on issues of social justice, political movements, and utopias. Especially important to me is an understanding of theory that is closely connected to political practice. 


since 2021     Master Political Theory, Goethe University

2018-2022Student Assistant at the Internationalen Centre for Ethics in the Sciences at the University Tübingen

2019ERASMUS semester abroad, University of Reading, UK

2017-2021Bachelor of Arts in Politics and Philosophy, University Tübingen