Dr. Ben Christian

Research Associate at the Professorship for International Institutions and Peace Processes

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a. M.
FB 03: Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Institut für Politikwissenschaft
Campus Westend – PEG-Gebäude
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6
60323 Frankfurt a. M.
Hauspostfach 28
Room: 3.G136
Phone: +49-(0)69/798-36609

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Ben Christian is a postdoctoral researcher at the Chair of International Institutions and Peace Processes. He studied Political Science at the Universities of Mannheim and Exeter (B.A., with distinction) and Frankfurt am Main (M.A., with distinction). During his studies, he worked as an intern at various institutions (including the German Bundestag, Amnesty International, and KfW Entwicklungsbank) and received a scholarship from the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. From 2019 to 2023, he was a doctoral researcher at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt. In 2023, he received his PhD from Goethe University Frankfurt for his dissertation on “criticism from within" in international organizations. In the course of his PhD, he conducted field research in New York, Rome, and Geneva. Since December 2022, he is a postdoctoral researcher at the Chair of Prof. Lisbeth Zimmermann, where he works on conflict and trust dynamics in international organizations. From September to December 2023, he was a Visiting Fellow in the Department of International Relations at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

His research focuses on the “inner workings" of international organizations (IOs). He is interested in processes of organizational learning and reform, the role of internal criticism, practices of self-legitimation, and the agency and emotions of IO staff. Recently, he has also started to explore the relationship between trust and conflict in international politics.

Focus on Research

  • International Organizations
  • Trust and Conflict
  • Legitimacy and authority in global governance
  • United Nations
  • International peace operations / UN peacekeeping
  • Organization studies and practice theory
  • Sociology of Critique


Journal articles (double-blind peer review)

  • Christian, Ben (2024): “Just Theatre!" – How Self-Legitimation Practices Can Backfire in International Organizations. Global Studies Quarterly 4 (1). Access.
  • Christian, Ben & Dirk Peters (2024): Establishing trust and distrust when states leave international organisations: the case of Brexit. Journal of European Public PolicyAccess.
  • Christian, Ben (2023): Working for World Peace: Between Idealism and Cynicism in International Organizations. Swiss Journal of Sociology 49 (1): 21-39. Access.
  • Christian, Ben (2022): A threat rather than a resource: why voicing internal criticism is difficult in international organisations. Journal of International Relations and Development 25 (2): 425-449. Access.
  • Christian, Ben (2022): Mediation and Critique in International Organizations [in German: Vermittlung und Kritik in Internationalen Organisationen]. zeitschrift diskurs 8: 27-40. Access.
  • Christian, Ben (2020): Suppression or avoidance? “Criticism from within" in German development agencies [in German: Dürfen sie nicht oder wollen sie nicht? „Kritik von innen“ in staatlichen Entwicklungsorganisationen]. ZIB Zeitschrift für internationale Beziehungen 27 (2): 65-93. Access.
  • Christian, Ben (2017): Correct Voting at the 2013 German Federal Election: An Analysis of Normatively Desirable Campaign Effects. German Politics 26 (1): 170-186. Access.

Journal articles (without external review process)

  • Christian, Ben (2023): Book Review. Kseniya Oksamytna. 2023. Advocacy and Change in International Organizations: Communication, Protection, and Reconstruction in UN Peacekeeping. (Oxford: Oxford University Press). The Review of International Organizations. Access.
  • Christian, Ben (2021): Necessary hypocrisy [in German: Notwendige Heuchelei]. German Review on the United Nations, 6/2021: 267-271. Access
  • Christian, Ben (2019): The Escape into the Postfactual. From self-denial to world-denial. [in German: Die Flucht ins Postfaktische. Von der Selbst-Verleugnung zur Welt-Verleugnung]. Soziologiemagazin 12 (2): 19-31. Access.

Book chapters

  • Christian, Ben & Sebastian Schindler: The Social Constitution of International Organizations as Actors of World Politics. In: Stacie Goddard, George Lawson and Ole Jacob Sending (eds.). Oxford Handbook of International Political Sociology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Forthcoming)
  • Christian, Ben & Elisabeth Christian (2023): Between Promises of Salvation and Disillusionment: On the Risks and Side Effects of Leadership in Public Institutions [in German: Zwischen Heilsversprechen und Ernüchterung: Zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen von Führung in öffentlichen Institutionen. In: Annemarie Bauer, Marlies W. Fröse and Jörg Seigies (eds.). Verborgene und unbewusste Dynamiken in Organisationen:  Systeme psychoanalytisch verstehen in Beratung, Coaching und Supervision. Psychosozial-Verlag. (forthcoming)

Other publications

  • Christian, Ben, M. Coni-Zimmer, N. Deitelhoff, M. Dembinski, S. Kroll, M. Lesch & D. Peters (2023): Multilateralismus als Rahmenordnung: Zur Krise und Zukunft der multilateralen Weltordnung. PRIF Report 2/2023. Access.
  • Christian, Ben & Antonia Witt (2022): Totgesagte leben länger: Die Vereinten Nationen und der Krieg in der Ukraine. PRIF-Blog. Access.
  • Christian, Ben & Nicole Deitelhoff (2021): Die UN als globaler „Streitraum“: Zur Aktualität von Dag Hammarskjölds Erbe. PRIF SpotlightAccess.
  • Christian, Ben & Dominik Herold (2021): Jenseits der Wahl: „Demokratie stärken“ – aber welche? PRIF-Blog. Access.
  • Wolff, J., A. Witt, J. Stappenbeck, S. Schnabel, A. Peez, J. Junk, M. Coni-Zimmer, B. Christian, S. Birchinger and F. Bethke (2020): Peace and Development 2020. An Analysis of Recent Experiences and Findings. Frankfurt am Main: HSFK.  Access.
  • Bethke, F., S. Birchinger, B. Christian, M. Coni-Zimmer, J. Junk, A. Peez, S. Schnabel, J. Stappenbeck, A. Witt, J. Wolff (2020): Developing Peace: Impulses for German and International Development Cooperation. PeaceLab-BlogAccess.
  • Christian, Ben & Sascha Hach (2020): Infizierte Weltordnung: Ende des Lagerdenkens – Comeback der UN! PRIF-Blog. Access.
  • Christian, Ben, N. Deitelhoff, M. Dembinski, G. Hofmann, N. Noesselt, A. Peez, M. Polianskii (2020): Institutionelle Friedenssicherung: Wer ordnet die Welt? Neue Mächte und alte Institutionen. In: BICC, HSFK, IFSH, INEF (Hrsg.). Im Schatten der Pandemie: Letzte Chance für Europa. Friedensgutachten 2020. Bielefeld: Transcript: 116-137. Access.
  • Christian, Ben & Melanie Coni-Zimmer (Hrsg.) (2020): Deutschland im UN-Sicherheitsrat: Eine Halbzeitbilanz. PRIF Report. Frankfurt am Main: HSFK. Access.
  • Christian, Ben & Simone Schnabel (2019): Blindspot Konflikt: Der erste Global Sustainable Development Report ignoriert ein zentrales Querschnittsthema. PRIF-Blog. Access.
  • Christian, Ben (2019): Vorhang auf: Deutschlands Präsidentschaft im UN-Sicherheitsrat. PRIF-Blog. Access.
  • Christian, Ben (2019): Entwicklungszusammenarbeit im Bundeshaushalt: „Schwarze Null“ sticht „Fluchtursachen bekämpfen“. PRIF-BlogAccess.