Dr. Claudia Traini

Research Fellow


Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Department of Social Sciences
Institute for Sociology

Campus Westend - PEG Gebäude
Hauspostfach 15
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6
60323 Frankfurt am Main

Office: PEG 1.G056
Tel: (069) 798-36710
E-Mail: traini[at]soz.uni-frankfurt.de

Researcher for the Project POLAR


Claudia Traini is a postdoctoral researcher in the ERC project POLAR 'Polarization and its discontents: does rising economic inequality undermine the foundations of liberal societies?' at the chair for social stratification and social policy since October 2022. Within the project, she focuses on the effects of economic inequality on social mobility.

She obtained her PhD in April 2022 from the University of Bamberg (Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences, BAGSS). In her cross-country comparative thesis, she investigated the moderating effects of stratification of education systems on the associations of the OED triangle of mobility research.

Previously, she worked at the chair for social scientific research on education in the department of educational sciences at the University of Potsdam (April 2021 to September 2022) and in the NORFACE project LIFETRACK 'Life Course Dynamics of Educational Tracking' at the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories, LIfBi (February 2019 to March 2021). Within the LIFETRACK project, she carried out empirical analyses of German longitudinal data to identify long-term (educational and occupational) consequences of school tracking.

She studied Sociology (B.A. and M.A.) at the University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy).

Her research has been published in Comparative Education Review, International Journal of Comparative Sociology, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, and Contemporary Social Sciences.

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Articles in peer-reviewed journals

  • (2022) Educational gradient in occupational attainment. Does stratification of education systems really matter? Forthcoming in Comparative Education Review
  • (2022) Stratification of education systems. Social background inequality of educational opportunity, International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 63(1–2) 10–29, DOI: 10.1177/00207152211033015
  • (2021) How does exposure to a different track influence learning progress? Explaining scissor effects by track in Germany (with Kleinert, C. & Bittmann, F.), Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 76, DOI: 10.1016/j.rssm.2021.100625
  • (2021) Does tracking really affect labour-market outcomes in the long run? Estimating the long-term effects of secondary-school tracking in West Germany (with Kleinert, C. & Schindler, S.), Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 12(3), DOI: 10.1332/175795920X16062248132253
  • (2020) Like parents, like children. Does the Stratification of education systems moderate the direct effect of Origins on Destinations? Contemporary Social Sciences, 16(3), DOI: 10.1080/21582041.2020.1821908

Book chapter

  • (2016) Private higher education in Italy (with Trivellato, P. & Triventi, M.) in Shah, M. and Nair, C.S. (eds) A Global Perspective on Private Higher Education, Publisher: Elsevier Ltd.

Reports and Working Papers

  • (2022) Educational Systems and the Trade-Off between Labor Market Allocation and Equality of Educational Opportunity. A replication of Bol and van de Werfhorst (2013)
  • (2021) Educational tracking and long-term outcomes by social origin: Seven countries in comparison (with Schindler, S., Bar-Haim, E., Barone, C., Birkelund, J. F., Capsada-Munsech, Q., Erola, J., Facchini, M., Feniger, Y., Heiskala, L., Herbaut, E., Ichou, M., Karlson, K.B., Kleinert, C., Reimer, D., Triventi, M., & Vallet, L.A.), DIAL Working Papers Issue 2021
  • (2019) Expert judgments on Education systems' characteristics: A new dataset (August 10, 2019). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3435597
  • (2019) Tracking and Sorting in the German Educational System (with Henninges, M., & Kleinert, C), DIAL Working Papers Issue 14 2019

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