Dr. Nele Kortendiek

Postdoctoral Reasearcher Working Group on International Institutions and Peace Processes


Goethe University Frankfurt
FB03: Faculty of Social Sciences

Institute of Political Science
Campus Westend – PEG-Gebäude
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6
60323 Frankfurt a. M.
Hauspostfach 28
Room: 3.G 135
Phone: +49-(0)69/798-36617

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Nele Kortendiek is a postdoctoral researcher at the Chair for International Institutions and Peace Processes. She studied political science at the Universities of Bremen and Geneva (B.A., with distinction) with a scholarship of the German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung) as well as International Relations Theory at the London School of Economics and Political Science (M.Sc., with distinction). From 2014 to 2017 she held a PhD scholarship of the cluster of excellence “Normative Orders" and from 2018 to 2019 she was a research associate at the Chair of International Relations at Zeppelin University. In 2019 she received her PhD from TU Darmstadt for her dissertation on global mixed migration governance, which explores informal policy making processes in and between international organizations and NGOs. During her PhD she conducted field work at the European external border in Greece as well as in Brussels, Geneva, Valletta and Warsaw. She was a guest researcher at the Cent­re on Mi­gra­ti­on, Po­li­cy, and So­cie­ty (COM­PAS) of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ox­ford (winter 2016) and the Global Governance Unit of the WZB Berlin (summer 2018).

Since 2019, together with Lisbeth Zimmermann Nele Kortendiek directs the DFG-funded project “Open or closed contestation – conditions for policy change by civil society contestation", which analyzes change of IOs over time as well as IO decision making processes in reaction to contestation.

From January 2024, she will lead the project "International Organisations and Norm(ing) Implementation for the Protection of Refugees", part of a DFG research group, investigating policy-making and implementation by UNHCR and IOM. 

Her research focusses on contestation and change in global governance. Research topics of interest include knowledge, authority and legitimacy in global governance, civil society contestation and change in international organizations, the influence of nonstate actors on world politics, European and international migration and asylum policy-making as well as normative questions of borders and democracy beyond the nation state.

Focus on Research

  • Global governance
  • International organizations
  • Non-state actors
  • Authority and legitimacy
  • Knowledge, experts and professionals
  • Transnational networks
  • Asylum and migration
  • Theories of International Relations
  • Organization studies and practice theory
  • International political theory



  • Forthcoming. Global Governance on the Ground. Organizing International Migration and Asylum at the Border. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Articles with Double-Blind Peer Review

  • 2023. Caught between Vulnerability and Competence: UNHCR's Visual Framing of Refugees, Economic Threat Perceptions and Attitudes towards Asylum Seekers in Germany (with Joseph Oertel). In:  Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studieshttp://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15562948.2023.2179151
  • 2022. Translation in International Politics. Outlines of a New Research Field [Vermittlung in der internationalen Politik. Konturen eines neues Forschungsfeldes] (with Frank Gadinger and Janne Mende). In: Zeitschrift Diskurs, 8, 1-11. https://ojs.ub.uni-due.de/diskurs/issue/view/43
  • 2021How to Govern Mixed Migration in Europe. Transnational Expert Networks and Knowledge Creation in International Organizations. In: Global Networks, 21(2), 320-338. https://doi.org/10.1111/glob.12293

Edited Volumes

  • 2022. Translation in International Politics [Vermittlung in der internationalen Politik] (with Frank Gadinger & Janne Medne. Special Issue, Zeitschrift Diskurs, 8.
  • 2017. Grenze und Demokratie – Ein Spannungsverhältnis. Frankfurt a. M./New York: Campus. Normative Orders Series (mit Marina Martinez Mateo)

Book chapter

  • Forthcoming. The Politics of Knowledge Production in International Organizations (with Katharina Glaab). In: Bliesemann de Guevara, Berit et al. (eds.). Handbook of Knowledge and Expertise in International Politics, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • 2018. Participatory Governance in International Organizations (mit Jens Steffek). In: Heinelt, Hubert (Hrsg.): Edward Elgar Handbook on Participatory Governance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, S.203-224.
  • 2017. Grenzen und Demokratie, Einführung (mit Marina Martinez Mateo). In: Kortendiek, Nele/Marina Martinez Mateo (Hrsg. Borders and Democracy, Frankfurt a. M./New York: Campus, S. 7-32.

Other publications

  • 2018. International Organisations in the Field. Governing Mixed Migration in and through Practice. EUI Robert Schumann Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) Working Paper, 2018/33. https://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3195891
  • 2013. Justice Globalism – Ideology, Crises, Policy (by Manfred B. Steger, James Goodman, Erin K. Wilson), Book Review for LSE Review of Books.
  • 2013. Habermas and European Integration – Social and Cultural Modernity beyond the Nation-State (by Shivdeep Grewal), Book Review for LSE Review of Books.


current teaching