Last administrative steps at the end of your stay in Frankfurt

Is your stay at Goethe University as a guest student about to end? 

On this page you will find the necessary information about all matters you should organize before your departure.

If you have been an exchange student and you need a transcript of records to take back to your home university, please take care of the following steps.

The transcript of records section described below, will be available in your work-flow only once the lecture period has ended - approx. end of July/February:

  • Provide the postal address and e-mail address of your home university/ institution (International Office, department/ faculty or records and registration) in your personal work-flow (online portal)
  • Certificates of completion/ participation (Leistungs-/Teilnahmescheine) sent directly to the Global Office by the faculty/ lecturer will be uploaded in your personal work-flow, once we have received them. (You will only be able to see them in your account if you have already completed step 1.)
  • Confirm in your work-flow when all certificates of completion/ participation have been uploaded.
  • Fill in the transcript (questionnaire).

Please see below on how to proceed with certificates you have not yet received before you leave Goethe University.

In case you are studying at the department/ faculty of Law, Economics and Business Administration, Sport Sciences, Psychology, Theater, Film and Media Studies (TFM),  IMACS, Mathematics, Geography, History, Ethnology, Biological Sciences, Cultural Anthropology, or Medicine: Your transcript of records will be issued by the respective International Office (Auslandsbüro)/departmental coordinator. If you have any questions regarding the transcript, please contact the faculty/department.

If you study at Goethe University for two semesters, the transcript will be issued for both semesters together at the end of your study period.

Please inquire at your home institution when you will need to hand in the transcript. Then, please take care of the necessary steps early, in order for us to be able to issue the transcript in time.

'Your Mobility‑Online Account is neither connected with your student account in the university system (HISinONE) nor with your HRZ account. Therefore, Transcripts can still be issued through Mobility‑Online, even once you have dis-enrolled at the end of the semester.

ECTS-/Credit Points (CP)

Please note that only if the ECTS‑/Credit Points (CP) are marked on the certificate by the lecturer/departmental coordinator, they can be included in the transcript, so please make sure that the credit points are clearly stated on the certificate by the lecturer/departmental coordinator. The Global Office is not authorized to assign credit points; only the department/faculty can do so.

If your department/ faculty at Goethe University issues a transcript, you do not need to have the document signed by the Global Office. 

Certificates of completion/participation (Leistungs-/Teilnahmescheine)

If you need a grade for your courses in the Transcript of Records, you should acquire a certificate of completion ("Leistungsschein"). Please note that certificates are not always graded and you should therefore discuss the grading of the course work with your lecturer at an early stage. It is your task to clarify with the department/institute/lecturers how you can obtain the certificate of completion for courses. You can either pick up the certificates from the lecturers or the general office of the department or receive them by e-mail. 

The document needs to be signed by the lecturer and, if necessary, provided with the stamp of the department/faculty. If the lecturer does not have access to the stamp, a confirmation from the lecturer that they have issued the certificate must be sent to us. Please also make sure that the following information is stated on the certificate: name, enrollment number, title of the course, winter or summer semester, type of course and type of performance.

Certificate of attendance

Certificate of attendance for courses are usually not graded and do not require exams or papers. As a guest student, you should contact the lecturers at the beginning of the semester and inform them that you will be attending the course as a guest student and that you would like to receive a certificate of attendance for the course. The certificate of attendance will facilitate the issuance of your official transcripts of records. The lecturers are not obliged to create the certificates themselves, so it is your responsibility to contact the lecturers and ask for a certificate of attendance. Please pay attention to the completeness of the certificates, otherwise the issuance of the Transcript of Records may be delayed.

Please make sure that the faculty/department does not issue the regular certificates for students at Goethe University for you, as those certificates do not include the necessary information for the issuance of the Transcript of Records. Please submit the Course Certificate for Temporary Students (proof of participation for exchange students) to your lecturers.

Before leaving for your home country, you need to dis-enroll (exmatrikulieren) from the university. You need to upload the necessary application yourself in the online portal HISinOne. All necessary information regarding dis-enrollment can be found on the website of the Student Registration Office. 

  •  After logging into click “My Studies" in the menu and go to “Requests". Please click on “Disenrollment", where you will be able to start a request for disenrollment. 
  • Please select “other reasons" and fill in “End of Erasmus/ End of exchange period".
  • After entering the reason, you will be asked to indicate the date of disenrollment. The standard date is the end of the current semester, which we advise in case you wrote exams or need to access your HRZ account for other reasons during the end of the semester.
  • After you have completed your request, the Student Registration Office should process it within the next working days. Once it has been approved, you will find the certificate of disenrollment under “My Studies" > “Student Service" > “Requested Reports/ Reports".

Attention! Very important!

Please remember to give notice of departure at the residents' registration office (Bürgeramt) before leaving Frankfurt.

The de-registration is very important, among other things, for the end of the health insurance. Without de-registration, if - at a later point in time - you come back to Germany for another study period or stay, you might be charged for health insurance fees retrospectively. Therefore, in your own best interest, please de-register at the residents' registration office of your place of residence.

Just like you did after your arrival when registering your address, you can make an appointment with the Bürgeramt to de-register.

You will receive detailed information on what to do before moving out directly from the Studierendenwerk (Student Services).

Please note the following important information

  • you need to make an appointment with the facility manager, in order to hand over the accommodation.
  • your accommodation, the furniture as well as the fridge, dining and mailbox compartment are to be handed over clean.
  • All keys must be handed over when the accommodation is handed over.

Approx. eight weeks after the end of the rental contract, your deposit will be returned by the Studentenwerk. Any costs for existing claims or liabilities will be subtracted from the deposit. If you have any questions, please contact the Studierendenwerk directly:

Attendance certificates are generated via Mobility-Online and automatically sent to your home university and to you in copy, provided that you have completed the appropriate steps in the application process. We ask the sending university to accept the form of the Global Office, it contains all important information. In exceptional cases, we will sign the form of your home university, but only if the form of the Global Office has been rejected by your home university.

Start of the Mobility

Your mobility begins with the arrival date, which is indicated on your travel document. If you arrive earlier than March/September, your mobility will still begin earliest on 1 March/ 1 September.

End of the Mobility
In concurrence with the end of the lecture period, we will attest the following periods of attendance:

  • Winter semester:         end of mobility → February.
  • Summer semester:      end of mobility → July.
We will only issue certificates of attendance with the period of attendance dating until March or August/(September), if you present us with proof from your academic advisor at Goethe University that your attendance at Goethe University was necessary beyond the end of the lecture period, e.g. due to exams.

Students at the faculty of Medicine: Please present the "Participation Certificate" from the International Office (Auslandsbüro) of the faculty as proof.
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