Rights & Obligations

The obligations and rights concerning a student mobility in the ERASMUS Plus program are collected in the ERASMUS student charter, which is available for you as a download in your participant's account.

With your signature on the ERASMUS application form and the Grant Agreement and with your participation in the ERASMUS program you committed yourself to fulfill certain obligations. Since not obeying the ERASMUS rules may ultimately lead to a full backpayment of the ERASMUS grant, we have gathered all relevant information for you on this page:

You have agreed to:

  • start and fulfill the study period at the host institution within the planned time frame
  • provide for adequate insurance including health insurance for yourself
  • use the ERASMUS grant exclusively for costs of travel, living, studying and language preparation in relation to the planned ERASMUS study period
  • pay back the grant in part or in full should you not start or complete your planned ERASMUS study period
  • obey the study program formalized in the Learning Agreement and if required Changes to Original Learning Agreement, to attend the courses regularly and continuously and to complete all partial performances (homework, reading assignments, tests, exams throughout the semester)
  • complete the OLS language tests at the beginning and, not mandatory, at the end of your ERASMUS study period
  • upload the required documents into your participant's account prior to, during and after the start of your study period in a timely manner: Learning Agreement, Grant Agreement, Arrival Certificate, if necessary: Changes to Learning AgreementLanguage course certificate and proof of payment if applicable, information about extension of study period, and, within 4 weeks after completion of the study period the signed and stamped Confirmation of Period of Study, your personal 3-page testimonial and the final Grant Agreement.
  • hand in at the IO the original Grant Agreement as a paper document signed by you personally.
  • complete the EU Online Survey after receiving the link from the EU Commission by email.
  • upload the official Transcript of Records from the host institution into your participant's account as well as the Transcript of Recognition from Goethe-University.


  • it is expected that you spend the planned study period at the host institution (Keep in mind the guiding value of 30 ECTS credits per semester and do not work on the side for more than 20 hours per week.)
  • it is expected that you sit for the examinations and other tests if the host institution's rules dictate this. The host institution's rules are definitive.
  • it is expected that you obey the rules and regulations of the host institution, even if these may be stricter than those of the sending istitution, eg. regarding examinations.
  • if changes occur in your study program that was formalized in the Learning Agreement, these have to be formalized again by all three parties in the Changes to Original Learning Agreement.
  • the Grant Agreement with your home institution has to be respected.

According to the ERASMUS Student Charter you as an ERASMUS participant have the right to

  • a formalized study program within the Learning Agreement, that lists the activities of study and in some cases internships and/or research.
  • a tuition waiver at the host institution, which means you do not have to pay tuition, course, matriculation or examination fees and neither fees for the use of laboratories and libraries.
  • full recognition/transfer of the credits of the ERASMUS courses successfully completed, if these courses were included in the Learning Agrement. (see chapter 4.2)
  • an official Transcript of Records, that is a proof of your participation and results in the courses taken at the host institution, which you receive upon completion of your study abroad period and which lists the credits and grades achieved.
  • receive the same treatment and councel from the host institution as the home students there.
  • receive insight into the ERASMUS University Charters of your home and host institutions and the Declaration on the European Education Policy / Erklärung zur Europäischen Bildungspolitik (EPS). (home institution: see Downloads-page)
  • continuation of financial aid payments of your country of origin during your ERASMUS study period