Study in Europe with the assistance of ERASMUS!

ERASMUS is the European Commission's exchange program that enables students in 33 European countries to study or intern for part of their degree in another country. ERASMUS is a great opportunity to study in another European country between 2 and 12 months, and have it count towards your degree.

Goethe University Frankfurt has ERASMUS exchange agreements with over 270 universities across Europe. The ERASMUS program is open to degree searching undergraduate and postgraduate students of Goethe University. If you are interested in studying somewhere else in Europe you will first need to check which institutions your department has cooperations with. ERASMUS is open to the majority of disciplines, but opportunities will depend on the agreements your department has made and what degree program you are on.

The online application is possible from December 20 on and the official application deadline for outgoing students from Goethe University is Februar 1st and concerns study abroad periods in the following academic year (winter semester AND also summer semester).

Please refer to the following pages for all information on ERASMUS student mobility. 

What does ERASMUS offer?

  • Tuition fee waiver at the host institution
  • Info for 2023/24:
    mobility grant, monthly sum varies depending on host country. Country group 1: DK, FI, IE, IRL, LI, LUX, NO, SE, GB   -   CG 2: AT, CY, BE, (DE), FR, GR, IT, Malta, NL, PT, ES   -   CG 3: CZ, BG, EE, HR, HU, LV, LT, MT, PL, RO, SI, SK, TR, MK. Grant currently between 4 and 5 months for 1 semester and 8 - 10 for 2 semesters.
  • Info for ERASMUS 2024/25 participants:
    The EU Commission made changes to the groups the EU Member states and third countries associated to the Programme have been put into depending on the average cost of living. A number of countries have been lifted into groups one and two, which means a higher amount of money per month of funding for students selected to study in those countries. The monthly rate for group three has been raised from €490 to €540. 
    Green Travel Top-up is available for up to 4 additional travel days due to green travel from home university to guest institution.
  • GroupHost Countryrate per month of funding
    G 1

    Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden

    G 2

    Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain

    G 3

    Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Türkiye

  • Switzerland: Students apply for ERASMUS and will be nominated to the Swiss European Mobility Programm (SEMP) and receive tuition waiver and grant from Swiss University.
    UK: see tab below
  • Green Mobility top-up is available for up to 4 additional travel days due to green travel from home university to guest institution plus in 2023/24 €50 green travel lump sum. In 2024/25 the 50€ lump sum willnot be available anymore, but the Green Mobility Top-up will be available for up to 6 green travel days.)
  • Social Top-ups of €250 per month of funding are available for
    - students who are continuously employed  for at leas six months prior to the ERASMUS mobility and cannot contune the employment during the mobility, 
    - first-time academics (students whose parents or caregivers do not have a degree from a university or university of applied sciences)
    - participants with children,
    - participants with a disability (GdB 20% and higher) or chronic illness.
  • Transfer of credits earned at the host institution as approved by the student, the home and the host institution prior to departure towards degree at home institution (“learning agreement")Who is eligible to apply?
Who is eligible to apply?
  • Full-time regular students of Goethe University Frankfurt
  • Students must have successfully completed their first year of studies at GU when study abroad period begins
  • Students with good academic standing and proficiency of language of instruction at host university
  • Students may participate once in the ERASMUS program during each study cycle for 12 months maximum (i.e. once during BA and once during MA and once during doctoral studies at GU), 36 months in total.

Information on data protection

Goethe students who want to study in the UK in 2024/25 have to complete the regular ERASMUS application (see next tab) in due time until Feb 1st, 2024. They can choose the respective UK universities their department or institute partner with under ERASMUS with priority one, two or three. Financial funding will be possible with ERASMUS international funds. 

The ERASMUS application deadline is February 1st for a study abroad period during the following academic year (fall and/or spring term). 

The application link will be activated ca. December 20.

Please read up on the mobility opportunities in "your" department or institute in the tabs below and consult your departmental coordinator for further advice, e.g. language requirements and if proof of language proficiency is due with the online application or later, additional documents, or if you have to hand in the ERASMUS application as an email attachment with the coordinator.

After gathering all necessary information, you start the application process by completing an online registration, thereby creating your applicant's account, into which you upload your complete ERASMUS application in one pdf-file. You will be guided along step by step by explanatory texts within your account.

The online application will be connected to your official Goethe HRZ account, so your Goethe login and password will fit your ERASMUS applicant's account. In order to complete the paperfree ERASMUS online application please use this link: 
ERASMUS-Online Application  
Shortly before the deadline server problems and delays may occur due to many last minute applications. So do not wait until the last minute.

Applications after the deadline: 
If you miss the original application deadline you may apply for leftover spots at partner institutions that could not be filled with suitable candidates in the regular selection process. Please consult with the respective departmental coordinator and ask for the remaining mobility possibilities. If they accept late applications, please complete the online application and send us an email  to let us know. Please also send your application file to the coordinator as an email attachment.

Selection process: 
After the application deadline the departmental coordinator will receive the uploaded application files of all applicants and wil conduct the selection of ERASMUS participants. Your academic performance, motivation, study plan and language skills will be considered. Also other criteria may be established, such as only accepting applications of students majoring in the department/institute, thereby either excluding minor students or putting them in 2nd priority. The same may be applied in case of applications to the country of origin, students with a migration background and/or nationality of the host country chosen in the application. Such criteria have to be communicated transparently.

After the selection process is completed, the departmental coordinator informs all applicants about the result of their application. He/She will then nominate the selected students at the host institution and also at the Global Office of Goethe-University. Only then our staff can activate your participant's account, in which most of all ERASMUS formalia will be handled by us and by you. You can update your personal data, receive certificates of participation, Grant Agreements, and other documents as downloads, and you upload completed documents such as Certificate of Arrival, Testimonial, Proof of Academic Recognition, etc.

In case of questions regarding the online application process please contact us at the Global Office.

In order to allow cooperation and mobility within the ERASMUS program a cooperation contract called "bilateral agreement" has to be established between the departments or institutes of two universities. It is a prerequisite that both institutions have a valid ERASMUS-Charter.

A list of all of Goethe-University's ERASMUS partner institutions, the cooperation contract period and the departmental coordinators responsible for the respective cooperation can be found here:  

aktuelle Liste der ERASMUS-Partnerhochschulen und Programmbeauftragten der Fachbereiche

The departmental coordinators of your institute or department are your main contacts, they provide you with information concerning your individual ERASMUS study plans, you hand in your application with them, they select and nominate the participants and advise them during the ERASMUS study period. Please see your departmental coordinator during their office hours before you hand in an application. 

Soweit uns bekannt, sind die Informationen der Programmbeauftragten der Institute bzw. Auslandsbüros einzelner Fachbereiche hier aufgelistet:

Falls Sie Ihren Fachbereich/Institut hier nicht finden, recherchieren Sie selbständig auf den Seiten Ihres Fachbereichs/Instituts und/oder kontaktieren Sie bitte direkt Ihre/n Programmbeauftragte/n.

Studierende, an deren Fachbereich/Institut (noch) keine Erasmus-Kooperationen im Wunschland bestehen, wenden sich an das Study Abroad Team im Global Office, um mögliche Alternativen zu besprechen.


You find testimonials of ERASMUS alumni in our Testimonial Database.

Information for ERASMUS-Outgoings from Goethe University

You are a student of Goethe University and have been nominated for an ERASMUS mobility to one of our ERASMUs partner institutions? Here you will find all general information for ERASMUS outgoings and additional information for your cohort. 

Please refer to the pages of the Sprachenzentrum of Goethe University where you can take language classes in order to prepare for your ERASMUS mobility.

Here you find generell information for ERASMUS outgoings regardless of your cohort.

Additional information specifically for the ERASMUS 2023/24 cohort, e.g. grants, social top-ups, documents

Additional information specifically for the ERASMUS 2024/25 cohort, e.g. grants, social top-ups, documents