After the conclusion of your ERASMUS mobility

Your ERASMUS mobility has ended, but you still have to complete a number of mandatory administrative steps within your participant's account and a few outside. Please do this in a timely fashion, the deadline for the steps is roughly 4 weeks after the ending of the mobility.

We are obliged to present all these documents on occasion of the regular audits by DAAD. Only if your Confirmation of Period of Study, your personal testimonial and your final confirmation have been checked as correct and we received confirmation in the EU beneficiary module that you have filled in the EU Online Survey, we will make the final outpayment of the outstanding amount of your ERASMUS mobility grant. Participants whose mobility period ends after August 01 must communicate this to Mr. Purkert at the GO.

We advise you that we will not answer emails requesting information if all documents are completed, since you can check this in your participant's account easily.

Attention: Without a proof of the factual dates of your ERASMUS study period that is signed and stamped by the host university at the end of the mobility period, we are required by ERASMUS regulations to demand full back-payment of the ERASMUS grant. (Unfortunately we had to do this a number of times in the past.) 

Please take the Confirmation of Period of Study to the staff of the international office at the host institution, fill in the end date and let them sign and stamp the document. If the host institution provides an own document (Certificate of Participation, Participation Certificate), we do accept this, if start and end date are listed and it was signed at the end of the mobility period. The Confirmation of Period of Study has to be uploaded into your participant's account and is NOT to be handed in with your departmental coordinator!

Attention: Without a proof of the factual dates of your ERASMUS study period that is signed and stamped by the host university at the end of the mobility period, we are required by ERASMUS regulations to demand full back-payment of the ERASMUS grant. (Unfortunately we had to do this a number of times in the past.) 

Please write a minimum 3 DinA4-page personal testimonial and upload it into your participant's account as a pdf-file, so we can publish it on our website an Goethe students interested in an ERASMUS mobility may get first hand information by their predecessors. Please refer to your own experiences concerning application, arrival, first weeks, search for accomodation, formalities, language courses, support at home and host institution, system of studies, courses and lectures, libraries, nightlife, day and weekend trips. Please use the template provided as a download. Please provide your departmental coordinator with a copy (email attachment) as well.
Since the factual start and end dates vary from the originally planned dates, a Final Confirmation containing the factual dates and actual, final amount of funding is provided. The download in your participant's account is mandatory.
You have to fill in this online questionary in the Beneficiary Module of the EU-Commission once you have received an email with the request to do so and a link to the survey. This email is sent to you shortly after the planned end date of your ERASMUS study period, which was imported into the EU Beneficiary Module before the start of our mobility period. The GO of Goethe University does not send this email, it is sent out of the EU Beneficiary Module. After you completed the survey in the Beneficiary Module, please download the pdf document of your survey and upload it into the workflow of your Goethe University ERASMUS participant's account in Mobility Online once that step is open.
If you had to take the initial language test in the OLS = Online Language Support-system, you may also take the final OLS-language test. It is not mandatory, but we recommend it, so you can check the improvement of your language skills.

You receive the link to the second OLS test on the  planned end date of your mobility.

If not yet completed before the mobility, please hand in your first Grant Agreement as an originally signed paper originial with us in the Global Office at Goethe University. If you do not have that anymore, please print it again in the same step in your participant's account that you did the first time, sign it and hand it in by mail or personally. Once we receive it, we check it off and you receive an email that this step is completed.

Mailing Address:

Goethe Universität

SLI - Global Office
z.Hd. Hr. Purkert
60629 Frankfurt am Main

Official Transcript/Academic Transcript/Transcript of Records
The Official Transcript of the host institution contains the courses you took and the number of ECTS credits and the results. It should be accompanied by an explanatory page if only the local grades and credits are listed, to make the academic recognition at Goethe University easier. The Official Transcript usually is provided automatically and either handed to you after completion of the ERASMUS study period or sent to you by mail or as an email attachment or send to us at the Global Office. If we receive it as a paper original, we send you an email asking you to pick it up or if we should send it to you by mail. If we receive it as an email attachment, we forward the email to you. Transcripts of students of the dept. of Economics are being sent over to Ms. Benzel in the examination office. You have to upload a scan of this transcript as a pdf-file into your participant's account. You need the original for the academic recognition of your courses, we do not need an original at the GO. 

We are obliged to register the number of ECTS credits recognized at Goethe University. The template for the Transcript of Recognition of ERASMUS credits at Goethe University is provided in your participant's account once you have completed the step transcript of the host institution. We will check it once the final outpayment has been made to you. The academic recognition process should be completed within 5 weeks after you handed in your host institution's transcript of records with the person responsible for the recognition. The transcript of recognition therefore has to be uploaded within 10 weeks after completion of the ERASMUS period and has to be signed by the person responsible for recognizing the ERASMUS credits.

If you do not need a recognition of credits, please mark the respective box in the questionaire in the workflow of your participant's account and name the reason for your decision in the next questionaire and then download the template for the recognition waiver, sign it and upload the signed scan as a pdf-file

After the recognition step is completed, the administrative ping-pong process in your participant's account has come to an end.

According to the rules of the ERASMUS Programme the creditcs received at the host institution should be fully recognized at the home institution.  All academic istitutions part-taking in the ERASMUS program had to commit themselves to the ERASMUS Charter, wherein this goal is set. Learning Agreement and official Transcript of Records are the relevant documents for the recognition process. Only those courses can be recognized, which were agreed upon in the Learning Agreement and which were proven as completed successfully in the transcript. The recognition of foreign credits can be refused only if the level of studies was not equivalent to that at the home institution or if other requirements were not met. The recognition of credits at Goethe University is a matter of the departments, departmental coordinators or examination offices, the Global Office is no player in this. Please seek advice regarding recognition possibilities before your ERASMUS the mobility, peferably when you seek approval of the Learning Agreement.  

Judical information: On October 01, 2007 an important change was implemented in the process of recognition. Through ratification of the „Lisbon Recognition Convention“ recognition processes for foreign study credits should be simplified for those students studying in the signatory countries. 
The improvements in detail:

  • Transparent process: Information on deadlines and contacts has to be communicated transparently and the recognition has to be conducted in a timely manner.
  • Reversal of evidence: In order not to recognize a course, the home institution has to prove that the workload and result of that foreign course are not equivalent to the standard of the home institution. This stands in contrast to before, when the student had to prove the equivalence. 
  • Lodging a complaint: If a recognition of foreign courses/credits has been refused, a possibility of lodging a complaint has to be made available to the student.
  • To prove that a course is not equivalent, a mere scematic comparison is not sufficient. The equivalence with regards to content, workload and quality is of higher importance. That means that results/outcome of learning may not differ significantly. If recognition is refused or undecided upon, legal action may be taken. (More information:

Checklist - Prerequesites for the recognition of foreign courses/credits are: 
1. The course has to appear in the signed Learning Areement in table A. 
2. The Learning Agreement has to be approved before or at the start of the mobility by the departmental coordinator or person responsible for the recognition and the level and content of the course is evaluated for equivalence. The equivalent course or module etc. has to appear in table B.
3. You have to attend the course throughout the time of duration. 
4. The course at the host institution has to match the course at Goethe University with regards to content and level and workload. 
5. You have to comlete all intermediate and final examinations etc. successfully.  
6. The final result and credits of the course are included in the official Transcript of the host institution.

7. Additionally you can use the form we provide in the download area, Course Certificate for Temporary Students, to prove the participation in a course.

After completion of the ERASMUS administrative process you receive the official ERASMUS+ Certificate in the German and English language. It is provided automatically in your participant's account after you have completed and we have checked all necessary steps which include the official academic transcript of the host institution and the transcript of academic recognition of Goethe University and after we have marked the final outpayment of the mobility grant as completed.

If you have an interest in getting/keeping in contact with international students, please contact the WellCome-Projekt and sign up as a mentor for guest students or visit the international regulars' table. More information hier