General Information for ERASMUS-Outgoings

On these pages all Goethe University students who were nominated for an ERASMUS period by their departmental coordinators find information about the administrative procedures before, during and after the ERASMUS mobility. In addition please make sure to log into your applicants/participants account on a regular basis, which is the most important means for the administration process. There you conduct all the necessary steps and please do this in a timely fashion

If questions arise surrounding your ERASMUS mobility please check these information pages first before you contact us and/or your departmental coordinator. The answers to many questions we receive by email can be found right here.

Please put the email-address on the safe list of your email account, so our emails to you do not end up in the waste basket or spam filter.

All information provided here has been gathered from the ERASMUS Plus program guide, from the ERASMUS student charter, and from the longtime experience of the ERASMUS administrative staff of the international office of Goethe University. If changes occur in the set of rules during the ERASMUS year, we will update these information pages. Please make sure to visit these pages regularly, since we do fulfill the obligation of information by publishing it here. 

We are happy to welcome you into the ERASMUS program!

The staff of the Study Abroad-Team at Goethe University's Global Office wishes you an enrichening and successful ERASMUS stay!
Additional information specifically for the ERASMUS 2022/23 cohort, e.g. grants, social top-ups, documents
Additional information specifically for the ERASMUS 2023/24 cohort, e.g. grants, social top-ups, documents