ERASMUS Online-Application

Dear Applicant for a study abroad spot in the ERASMUS program,

the online application for the next academic year will be possible from ca. December 15 on until the deadline of February 1st. After that you can only apply for spots not filled in the first selection round.

Shortly before the deadline server problems and delays may occur due to many last minute applications. So do not wait until the last minute.

Overview of the ERASMUS application process including upload of all documents:

1.    To start the online application please use the link provided below. We use a single sign on-process, which means the login and password to your applicant's account will be the same as the one for your official Goethe HRZ-account. Some attributes will be entered from there into your online application form (last name, first name, date of birth, gender, email address, student registration number (taken from the ESI = European student identifier), so you don't have to enter them yourself. You have to accept this data transfer by checking Akzeptieren/Accept first. Then please fill in the rest of the online application form and follow the directions of the programm and send your application.

2.    You will receive a confirmation email and will be asked to register your applicant's account.

3.    Please register your applicant's account, login and password are the ones from your official Goethe HRZ account.

4.    Please download the application directions including the checklist and read it carefully.

5.    Please upload a passport foto/ID picture of yourself (mind the pixel specifications)

6.    Please download the application form, print it, sign it and scan it.

7.    Please upload your complete ERASMUS-application* in a single pdf-file into your applicant's account. (At this time the single-file-upload cannot be avoided due to software specifications in the further course of the administration of the program.)

8.    As the last step please confirm in your account that you uploaded the application-pdf-file according to the checklist and further specifications of your institute/department/departmental coordinator.

CHECKLIST for complete ERASMUS-application: 

1.    Scan of your signed application form

2.    Proof of current enrollment at Goethe University

3.    CV (max 2 pages)

4.    Letter of motivation (please mind additional specifications of institute or department, e.g. dept. 03 - social sciences)

5.    QIS-print/letter of examination office or transcript filled in by you and certified to be true by examination office (or - if that is not possible – us at the Global Office)

6.    Proof of language proficiency (please mind additional information of institute or department, if that proof has to be included in the online application - e.g. dept. 03 - social sciences)

7.    Additional documents, if and as requested by the departmental coordinators (e.g. highschool diploma, course certificates - please mind their infos and webpages)

8.    Additional documents you yourself see as positive for our application (e.g. proof of social engagement)

To secure a minimum standard of an ERASMUS application, documents 1 - 5 are mandatory plus proof of language, if your departmental coordinator says so. After assembling the mandatory documents, please merge them all into one big pdf-file (max. 5 MB) in the order of the checklist. (You can use e.g. to merge and compress pdf-files.) Please check this pdf-file before the upload, since alterations are not possible anymore once the upload has been completed, and the pdf-file will be made available to your departmental coordinator without any checking by us in the Global Office.

Please check if you have to hand in an additional version of your application with your departmental coordinator! (E.g. in the Dept. of Economics a copy of the application file has to be sent as an email attachment to

Applications after the deadline: 

If you miss the original application deadline you may apply for leftover spots at partner institutions that could not be filled with suitable candidates in the regular selection process. Please consult with the respective departmental coordinator and ask for the remaining mobility possibilities. If they accept late applications, please complete the online application and send us an email  to let us know. Please also send your application file to the coordinator as an email attachment.

Here you find the link to the online registration for ERASMUS outgoing applicants of Goethe-University.   Good luck!

Online-Application in the English Language
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Zur Online-Bewerbung in deutscher Sprache
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