Information specifically for Outgoings 2023/24​

Dear ERASMUS participants 2023/24,

here you find specific information concerning the ERASMUS year 2023/24. All general information concerning outgoing ERASMUS procedure can be found at Information for outgoings

We have updated our system with the nominations we received from the program coordinators at the departments. If your application was successful, you can download your participation certificate in your Mobility Online account. 

You may apply for a 500€ - SANTANDER Scholarship for ERASMUS 2024, deadline Mar. 15, 2024, information below.

All ERASMUS participants - except for ERASMUS zero grant students and students going to Switzerland - receive an ERASMUS mobility grant on top of the tuition waiver at the host institution.

All financial information offered here is based on physical mobility with physical start and end date proved by the host institution and a duration of 4 months/120 days per semester and 8 months/240 days per academic year. If your individual duration is shorter, the final sum of the mobility grant will be reduced accordingly.

This mobility grant, daily and monthly rate mandated by DAAD, is intended to help pay for the additional costs in the host country and varies depending on which group that country has been put into by the EU commission.

Country Group 1 - Program countries with higher living costs: Denmark, Finnland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden: 600€ per month (20.00€ per day)

Country Group 2 - Program countries with medium living costs: Austria, Belgium, France, (Germany), Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Cyprus: 540€ per month (18.00€ per day)

Country Group 3 - Program countries with lower living costs: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia (FYROM), Poland, Romania, Slowakia, Slowenia, Turkey: 490€ per month (16.33333333€ per day)

At first all students get a calculation of a lump sum of 4 monthly rates (for max. 120 funded participation days) per ERASMUS semester, 8 monthly rates (for max. 240 funded participation days) for a full academic year, even if the ERASMUS period may last longer.

On top of this regular ERASMUS grant other supplementary grants will be added for those students who qualify. The Social Top-Up for students with fewer opportunities is €250 per month, or €8,33 per day. The Green Travel Top-Up is a one-time bonus of €50 and maximum 4 additional grant days. Students have to fill in a querry in the regular workflow of their participant's account in order for the global office to identify recipients for Social Top up and Green Travel. More information on Green Travel and Social Top up in the tabs below.

Please take note: The grant only covers the time period of your studies spent in person at the host institution/in the host country, and not virtual mobility from outside the host country or periods of online-classes not attended in the host country! Also if the host institution informed beforehand that they offer virtual mobility/online studies only and no physical mobility, you will not receive the mobility grant, even if you travel to the host country, which we advise strongly against. If your host institution has to switch to online teaching due to force majeure (e.g. covid-19) after your arrival, this is a different situation and you will receive funding.

To increase the qualitative impact of its actions and ensure equal opportunities, the ERASMUS program will reach out more and better to people of different ages and from diverse cultural, social and economic backgrounds. It is at the heart of the program to come closer to those with fewer opportunities, including people with disabilities and migrants, as well as European Union citizens living in remote areas or facing socio-economic difficulties.

Students with fewer opportunities receive a top-up amount to the individual support of their EU Erasmus+ grant with an amount of 250€ per month of funding. This additional financial support - a so-called Social top-up - can be received by certain target groups to cover additional expenses or needs. Below you find information on the different types of special funding depending on the target group.

The Social Top-ups can all be combined with the green travel top-up. However, the 250€ top-up can only be awarded once, even if several criteria apply to you. 

Application: In order to know about your status in this matter, for us at the Global Office it is sufficient that you fill in the querry in the workflow of your mobility online participant's account. After you download the document Declaration of honour - Social Top-up, you sign it and upload it and we can work with that for the time being. But you also agree to - at a later point in time - provide supporting documentation upon request (depending on the additional funding, e.g. medical certificate, disability certificate, travel receipts, parents' declaration, salary slips or similar).

For mobilities to the UK we cannot grant Social Top-ups due to the regulations.

Students whose parents or caregivers do not have a degree from a university or university of applied sciences are considered first-time academics. €250 per month of funding are available in addition to the regular monthly Erasmus grant.

A degree from a university-like university of cooperative education is considered an academic degree. Likewise, courses of study completed abroad count as academic degrees, even if they are not recognized in Germany. A master craftsman's diploma is not considered an academic degree.

Proof: Declaration of honour - Social Top-up in ERASMUS participant's account

You also agree to provide supporting documentation upon request at a later point in time.

Students who earn a significant amount of their own living may be reluctant to embark on a stay abroad, as they are often unable to continue working while abroad and earnings are lost. To alleviate this problem, there is now a Social Top-up in the amount of €250 if the following criteria apply:

·         employment subject to social insurance
·         net earnings of more than €450 and less than €850 in any month
·         continuously employed for at least six months during the two semesters prior to the stay abroad 

The activity must have taken place during this period:

  • Stay abroad in/from fall semester: 1 August of the previous year through 31 July of the year abroad
  • Stay abroad in spring semester: 1 February of the previous year through 31 January of the year abroad

The employment may be a single one or several immediately following each other. An interruption within the regular vacation period during employment is not a problem.

  • the activity is not continued during the stay abroad, so that there is a loss of earnings

ProofDeclaration of honour - Social Top-up in ERASMUS participant's account

You also agree to provide supporting documentation upon request at a later point in time.

Students who take their child or children abroad with them can also receive an additional €250 per month. The prerequisite is that the child or children is/are taken along during the entire stay. The allowance is €250 per month per family, regardless of the number of children. The application is also possible if a caregiver (partner) travels along.

ProofDeclaration of honour - Social Top-up in ERASMUS participant's account; copy of the child's/childrens' birth certificate, documatnation of travel for the child/children after conclusion of mobility

If particularly high additional costs arise from taking your child/children with you for your stay abroad, a so-called "real cost application" can be submitted instead with a few months' advance notice, through which up to €15,000 per semester can be covered. This requires a lot of time in advance, so we ask students to seek advice early.

Students with a degree of disability of 20 (GdB 20) or more can receive a top-up of €250 per month of funding.

ProofDeclaration of honour - Social Top-up in ERASMUS participant's account, severely handicapped pass or official letter of the state social service department

Students with a chronic illness that leads to additional financial needs for the stay abroad can also receive an additional €250 per month of funding.

ProofDeclaration of honour - Social Top-up in ERASMUS participant's account, doctor's certificate which declares that based on the chronic illness leads to additional financial needs in the host country compared to Germany.

If particularly high additional costs arise due to your stay abroad, a so-called "real cost application" can be submitted instead with a few months' notice, through which up to €15,000 per semester can be covered, e.g. for an accompanying person. It is also possible to receive a grant for a preparatory trip to explore the local conditions. This requires a lot of time in advance, so we ask students to seek advice early.


  • degree of disability of 20 (GdB 20) or more
  • chronic illness that leads to additional financial needs for the stay abroad
  • The funds are being used to cover the additional costs due to the disability or chronic illnes that result from the stay abroad during the ERASMUS mobility.

ProofDeclaration of honour - Social Top-up in ERASMUS participant's account, severely handicapped pass or official letter of the state social service department

ProofDeclaration of honour - Social Top-up in ERASMUS participant's account, doctor's certificate which declares that based on the chronic illness leads to additional financial needs in the host country compared to Germany.You also agree to provide supporting documentation upon request at a later point in time.

You also agree to provide supporting documentation upon request at a later point in time.

Green Travel - Ecologically friendly student mobilities

The EU Green Deal is meant to push the EU to climate neutrality by 2050 and all EU actions and strategies should help to reach this goal. The ERASMUS program still sets the main focus on physical mobility to the host country, but the ecological footprint has to be reduced. Green mobility means environmentally sustainable travel.

In accordance with the ERASMUS guidelines and as a motivation for a Green Mobility the Global Office of Goethe-University will pay out a Green Travel Top-up to each 2022/23 ERASMUS participant who will travel to and from the host destination by train, bus, or car (ride-sharing with others). Participants travelling for part of their journey by ferry (e.g. Scandinavia) will receive the bonus as well, if the rest of the journey is being undertaken by train, bus or ride share. Air-travel obviously will not be funded. 

Green Travel funding consits of:

  • a 50€ lump sum 
  • 2 - 4 additional travel days (20€ or 18€ or 16.66€ per day depending on country group)
  • accordingly 2 - 4 additional days times 8,33333333€ (=1/30 of 250€), if the participant receives a Social Top-up

Students have to fill in a querry in the regular workflow of their participant's account in order for the global office to identify recipients for Social Top-up and Green Travel Top-up. Green travel funding will be paid out within the first and final installments and corrected in the final installment, if students did not travel green to and from the host institution. Since you already have to upload a proof of travel together with your arrival and departure certificates in order to prove physical mobility, we are able to check the mode of travel when checking these uploads.

Here you find further information on GREEN ERASMUS.

For mobilities to the UK Green Travel funding is not possible.

The outpayment of the grant to the ERASMUS participants is administered by the Global Office of Goethe-University. Typically there will be two outpayments: 75% of the grant will be paid at the beginning of the physical mobility and the outstanding amount after the mobility. All participants will receive their first outpayment within four weeks after the upload of their signed Grant Agreement into their participant's account. Students starting in the summer semester 2024 will receive their first payment at the beginning of January 2024 at the earliest, and also only after the upload of their Grant Agreement. 

After this first outpayment has been made there will be no changes possible in the grant until the completion of the ERASMUS stay, except in the case of an extension or shortening of the ERASMUS period by one semester. The extension period of one additional semester may be supported by 4 more monthly rates, if we have sufficient funds left and if you apply for additional funding in your participant's account at least one month (30 days) before the originally planned end date. If you don't apply in due time, you still might extend your stay and receive a tuition waiver, but the extension will be valued as zero grant days which means no financial support. Minimal extensions from a couple of days to a couple of weeks have to be registered by us, but will not be funded.

Since we are obliged to record the exact duration of your ERASMUS period from actual start date to actual end date, we will do this once you have uploaded your Confirmation of Period of Study, proof of the end date of your physical mobility. If this shows the duration to be shorter than 4 months (120 days) per semester or 8 months (240 days) per academic year, we are obliged to request a backpayment from you for the difference in days. Mostly though a reduction in the outstanding second outpayment suffices to cover the difference.

The outstanding amount of the grant will be paid out to the participants after the completion of their mobility, once they completed the upload of all mandatory ERASMUS documents into their participant's account and handed in their original Grant Agreement as a paper document plus completed their EU Online Survey. You are only entitled to 100% of the grant if you provide all documents in due time.

Get an additional 500€ and apply for a SANTANDER Scholarship

Liebe Erasmus-Stipendiatinnen und Erasmus-Stipendiaten für ein Studium im Ausland,

in Zusammenarbeit mit unserem Kooperationspartner Santander haben Sie die Möglichkeit, eine einmalige Bezuschussung in Höhe von 500 Euro für das Erasmus+ Programm zu erhalten – und das notenunabhängig. Lassen Sie sich diese Chance nicht entgehen und melden Sie sich an!

Für die Bewerbung müssen Sie lediglich nachweisen, dass Sie an der Goethe Universität eingeschrieben und Teilnehmende des Erasmus-Programms Studium im Ausland sind. Dies erfolgt über das Hochladen der entsprechenden Dokumente, den Immatrikulationsnachweis sowie das Erasmus-Zertifikat.

Sie möchten sich bewerben oder kennen jemanden, der sich unbedingt bewerben sollte?

So funktioniert es:

1.    Registrierung auf Santander Scholarships vornehmen und das Benutzerkonto bestätigen.

2.    Füllen Sie das Bewerbungsformular das Erasmus+ Programm bis zum 15. März 2024 aus.

3.    Laden Sie dort alle erforderlichen Dokumente im Bewerbungsformular hoch und schicken die Bewerbung ab.

Nach Ablauf der Bewerbungsphase am 15. März 2024 werden die Begünstigten per Losverfahren ausgewählt. Die Auszahlung der Förderung erfolgt im Anschluss durch das Global Office der Goethe Universität.

Sie haben noch Fragen zum Programm oder benötigen Hilfe bei der Bewerbung? Dann melden Sie sich gerne direkt bei den Kolleg:innen von Santander Universitäten unter:

If you want to extend your period of stay, you have to apply for that extension in your participant's account in the part "During the mobility". This is possible only once you have uploaded your arrival certificate. Further information can be found here.


You have to apply for an extension of the ERASMUS period at least 30 days before the originally planned end-date, either if your start date was earlier or you will conclude your study period later than originally planned.

This you do in your participant's account and applies to minimal extensions from a couple of days to a couple of weeks to extensions by a module or full semester. Minimal extensions from a couple of days to a couple of weeks have to be registered by us, are important to receive full funding, but cannot not be funded if your ERASMUS period exceeds 120 days per semester/240 days per academic year.


A minimal extension does not require permission by the departmental coordinator or the host institution. Please pay attention when marking the correct field in your participant's account.

For extensions for a module or semester, trimester or placement/internship at the host institution please mark this accordingly in the participant's account first. Then talk to the responsible person at the host university and your departmental coordinator at GU, because these two have to give written permission by email to that the extension is granted within the ERASMUS program. Only after receiving these emails your application for extension can be processed in the participant's account. You will then be provided with a Changes to Original Learning Agreement form for the extension period in your participant's account.

Additionally in all cases of extension an updated Grant Agreement will be provided. Please complete and upload these into your account in due time.


Please notice: An extension period has to immediately follow the current mobility period. Extensions past the summer semester cannot be permitted, because the fiscal administration of ERASMUS at Goethe University is done by academic years. For officially confirmed additional examination periods or studies an extension can be granted until the end of the official ERASMUS period, September 30. Maximum duration is 12 months per regular study cycle though; for students in the traditional study programs Diplom, Magister and Staatsexamen (state examination) up to 24 months.


An extension by a second semester after the summer semester into the winter semester of the following academic year is possible only by submission of a new application for the new ERASMUS study period with your departmental coordinator, who has to decide if another placement in the program is possible. Please contact him/her as early as possible.


If enough funds are available for all extensions for a module/semester that reach the GO in due time, cannot be determined at this point. This is a case-by-case decision in the order we receive the applications for extension, that depends on the number of cancellations, terminations and shortenings of ERASMUS mobilities. If the funds available are not sufficient, you may still extend your ERASMUS study period under the tuition waiver, but the extension will be valued as zero grant days which means no financial support. In prior years though all extensions could be funded up to the possible maximum.

Students woh have been nomitated to UK partner institutions, that egreed on ERASMUS agreements, will receive regular ERASMUS funding. They are also eligible for Social Top up and Green Travel Top up, for which they apply in the workflow of their individual Goethe University participant's account.

Please be aware that changes to the British right of residence may occur and get information on immigration ahead of time before the start of your mobility.