Exchange program with partner universities in Seoul, South Korea

Approximately 10 students of Goethe-University can spend one semester (fall term: August/September to December; spring term: February to June) at  Korea UniversityChung-Ang University or EWHA Womans University, all located in Seoul, South Korea. They all offer a wide range of English-taught courses as well as Korean language classes.

Exchange students nominated by Frankfurt University will be exempted from paying tuition fees at our Korean partner universities. All other expenses (e.g. health insurance, travel costs, housing etc.) will have to be paid by the students. On-campus housing is available to exchange students.

Freemovers may apply for the summer and winter programs at the partner universities. They will have to pay the tuition fees; Chung-Ang University offers students of partner universities a discount of 50%. Links see below. 

We will most likely NOT be able to nominate exchange students to EWHA Womans University in 24/25. (Freemovers may apply but will have to pay tuition fees.)

When to apply? 
Thursday, 1 February 2024 (for a stay abroad during the acadamic year 2024/25)

Please read the application manual! 

Foto: © Ewha Womans University

Partner universities and number of possible exchange students:

  • Chung-Ang University  (max. 4 students for one semester each)
  • Korea University  (max. 2 students for one semester each)
  • Ewha Womans University (max. 1-2 students for one semester each) - We will most likely NOT be able to nominate exchange students to EWHA Womans University in 24/25. (Freemovers may apply but will have to pay tuition fees.)
Course restrictions:
  • EWHA:
    Undergraduate exchange students may NOT take classes of Nursing, Medicine, Pharmacy, and Education. Restrictions may apply to Art & Design, Music, ELTEC Engineering, Scranton Honors Program and HOKMA College of General Education.  
    Graduate courses are ONLY available to exchange students at the Graduate School, Graduate School of Business, Graduate School of International Studies, and School of Law (only available to students with a Law major). 
  • Korea University:
    Exchange students may NOT take classes in medicine, nursing, pharmacy, law, teacher education, information security, Art and Design; also classes at Sejong Campus are not available and all graduate programmes at the business school;
    due to high demand undergraduate students may not be guaranteed to get into classes at the Business School.
    Graduate students may ONLY take classes at departments under “Graduate School" except subjects mentioned above and business related courses (BUS, INT). Courses at the Graduate School of International Studies are NOT available to exchange students. 
  • Chung-Ang University:
    NOT available for exchange students: courses at the School of Medicine, School of Pharmacy, School of Nursing, School of Law;
    Graduate students may ONLY take classes at Graduate School of International Studies (only for graduate students of Business, Economics and International Relations) and MBA (only for graduate students of business administration and economics);
    due to high demand exchange students cannot be guaranteed to get into the classes they wish / students with a business minor may not take classes at the Business Department 

general application requirements (for all our Direktaustauschprogramme):

  • applicants must be enrolled at Goethe University
  • applicants must be at least in their 2nd semester (BA), MA students may apply during their 1st semester
  • All majors may apply, there may be some restrictions regarding the available courses: students of medicine and law may apply but will not be able to take classes from their major at the host institution; restrictions regarding courses see first tab "host institution(s)"
  • Good academic standing 
  • Good language proficiency (at least B1, if not stated otherwise) - language certificates are valid for 2 years only!
  • good knowledge of  current and historic political and cultural affairs of host country and Germany
  • good knowledge of the host institution, available classes and a detailed study plan specific to the respective host institution(s)
  • It is expected of exchange students to return to Goethe-University after their study abroad period and continue and finish their studies here. 
  • Students who do not have a German Abitur or other German Hochschulzugangsberechtigung and who are enrolled in an English degree have to submit proof of German proficiency (preferably at least B1)
  • Applicants are expected to be able to take on an ambassador role for Goethe University and Frankfurt

additional application requirements for this exchange:

  • good grades (average of at least 2,5)
  • MA students in their 1st semester: If you get nominated, you will have to submit grades of that 1st semester at Goethe University to the host university by April. 
  • good language proficiency of Korean and/or English (Duolingo English Test (at least 105) may replace Lektor*innensprachzeugnis Englisch )
Program benefits
  • Tuition fee waiver (other fees may apply)
  • Administrative support with application at host institution
  • on-campus housing is available to exchange students
    Costs before and during the stay abroad
    Tuition fees get waived for exchange students. However, costs of studying abroad should not be underestimated. All other costs will have to be paid by the exchange students themselves:
    • room and board 
    • travel costs
    • insurances 
    • other fees at the host institution may apply, e.g. administrative fees  
    •  exchange students to Korea University have to pay an application fee of $50   
    Costs per semester for studying at one of the South Korean partner universities are estimated to be approx. €7.000 (not including flight). At the time of application to the host institution, proof (e.g. bank balance) of approx. $6000 will have to be submitted. 

    When to apply?     Wed, 1 February 2023

    Application documents:
    • Application form - will be generated from online application (will open approx. 4 weeks prior to application deadline)
    • additional application documents
      please see 
      application manual
    • You will need a letter of reference and a language proficiency certificate. Please see about these well in advance (the sooner the better): talk to a professor/lecturer about the letter of reference and make an appointment for the language test. No late submissions!
    • approx. 3-4 weeks after application deadline (as soon as date is known, it will be published here)
      there might be a preselection based on written applications so that not all applicants will be invited
    Selection of exchange students: 
    • Depending on the number of applicants there may be a preselection based on the application documents.
    • all applicants will receive an email:
      • invitation to an interview OR  
      • rejection on the basis of submitted application    
    • interview will:
      • be in Englisch (and, if different, language of host country; only expected of applicants who stated in their application that they have knowledge of that language) 
      • be about personal and academic motivation of applicant 
      • include possible other subjects such current and historic political and cultural affairs of host country as well as Germany 
    • final selection of exchange students by Goethe University's selection committee
    • final approval of the participation in the program is given by host institutions after applications have been submitted to them

    How to finance your stay abroad: 
    Students participating in our exchange programs may apply for financial aid and/or scholarships at other institutions:

    • DAAD-PROMOS (in April/Mai for fall; in November/December for spring)
    • DAAD-Jahresstipendium (for studying abroad for two semesters; please check the deadlines which are different for different countries and may be several months before the stay abroad) 
    • Auslands-BAföG (apply 6 months before studying abroad)
    • Bildungskredit
    • other scholarships 

    More information on our website: Finanzierung und Stipendien

    Please check carefully whether you are eligible to apply: Some financial aid programs and scholarships might only be for German citizens or students who have graduated from German high school and/or have their permant residency in Germany. 

    You will find a data base of testimonials of former exchange students here (in German).

    An exchange student at Chung-Ang University talks about her stay in South Korea (recorded during the International Week 2020; in German):

    "Studium in Seoul, Südkorea "Live vom Auslandssemester an der Chung-Ang University während Corona"

    Introductory video for new international students at Korea University
    (with one of the exchange students from Goethe-Universität (spring 2021))

    Partner universities and number of possible exchange students:

    • Chung-Ang University  (max. 4 students for one semester each)
    • Korea University  (max. 2 students for one semester each)
    • Ewha Womans University (max. 1-2 students for one semester each) - We will most likely NOT be able to nominate exchange students to EWHA Womans University in 24/25. (Freemovers may apply but will have to pay tuition fees.)
    Course restrictions:
    • EWHA:
      Undergraduate exchange students may NOT take classes of Nursing, Medicine, Pharmacy, and Education. Restrictions may apply to Art & Design, Music, ELTEC Engineering, Scranton Honors Program and HOKMA College of General Education.  
      Graduate courses are ONLY available to exchange students at the Graduate School, Graduate School of Business, Graduate School of International Studies, and School of Law (only available to students with a Law major). 
    • Korea University:
      Exchange students may NOT take classes in medicine, nursing, pharmacy, law, teacher education, information security, Art and Design; also classes at Sejong Campus are not available and all graduate programmes at the business school;
      due to high demand undergraduate students may not be guaranteed to get into classes at the Business School.
      Graduate students may ONLY take classes at departments under “Graduate School" except subjects mentioned above and business related courses (BUS, INT). Courses at the Graduate School of International Studies are NOT available to exchange students. 
    • Chung-Ang University:
      NOT available for exchange students: courses at the School of Medicine, School of Pharmacy, School of Nursing, School of Law;
      Graduate students may ONLY take classes at Graduate School of International Studies (only for graduate students of Business, Economics and International Relations) and MBA (only for graduate students of business administration and economics);
      due to high demand exchange students cannot be guaranteed to get into the classes they wish / students with a business minor may not take classes at the Business Department 

    general application requirements (for all our Direktaustauschprogramme):

    • applicants must be enrolled at Goethe University
    • applicants must be at least in their 2nd semester (BA), MA students may apply during their 1st semester
    • All majors may apply, there may be some restrictions regarding the available courses: students of medicine and law may apply but will not be able to take classes from their major at the host institution; restrictions regarding courses see first tab "host institution(s)"
    • Good academic standing 
    • Good language proficiency (at least B1, if not stated otherwise) - language certificates are valid for 2 years only!
    • good knowledge of  current and historic political and cultural affairs of host country and Germany
    • good knowledge of the host institution, available classes and a detailed study plan specific to the respective host institution(s)
    • It is expected of exchange students to return to Goethe-University after their study abroad period and continue and finish their studies here. 
    • Students who do not have a German Abitur or other German Hochschulzugangsberechtigung and who are enrolled in an English degree have to submit proof of German proficiency (preferably at least B1)
    • Applicants are expected to be able to take on an ambassador role for Goethe University and Frankfurt

    additional application requirements for this exchange:

    • good grades (average of at least 2,5)
    • MA students in their 1st semester: If you get nominated, you will have to submit grades of that 1st semester at Goethe University to the host university by April. 
    • good language proficiency of Korean and/or English (Duolingo English Test (at least 105) may replace Lektor*innensprachzeugnis Englisch )
    Program benefits
    • Tuition fee waiver (other fees may apply)
    • Administrative support with application at host institution
    • on-campus housing is available to exchange students
      Costs before and during the stay abroad
      Tuition fees get waived for exchange students. However, costs of studying abroad should not be underestimated. All other costs will have to be paid by the exchange students themselves:
      • room and board 
      • travel costs
      • insurances 
      • other fees at the host institution may apply, e.g. administrative fees  
      •  exchange students to Korea University have to pay an application fee of $50   
      Costs per semester for studying at one of the South Korean partner universities are estimated to be approx. €7.000 (not including flight). At the time of application to the host institution, proof (e.g. bank balance) of approx. $6000 will have to be submitted. 

      When to apply?     Wed, 1 February 2023

      Application documents:
      • Application form - will be generated from online application (will open approx. 4 weeks prior to application deadline)
      • additional application documents
        please see 
        application manual
      • You will need a letter of reference and a language proficiency certificate. Please see about these well in advance (the sooner the better): talk to a professor/lecturer about the letter of reference and make an appointment for the language test. No late submissions!
      • approx. 3-4 weeks after application deadline (as soon as date is known, it will be published here)
        there might be a preselection based on written applications so that not all applicants will be invited
      Selection of exchange students: 
      • Depending on the number of applicants there may be a preselection based on the application documents.
      • all applicants will receive an email:
        • invitation to an interview OR  
        • rejection on the basis of submitted application    
      • interview will:
        • be in Englisch (and, if different, language of host country; only expected of applicants who stated in their application that they have knowledge of that language) 
        • be about personal and academic motivation of applicant 
        • include possible other subjects such current and historic political and cultural affairs of host country as well as Germany 
      • final selection of exchange students by Goethe University's selection committee
      • final approval of the participation in the program is given by host institutions after applications have been submitted to them

      How to finance your stay abroad: 
      Students participating in our exchange programs may apply for financial aid and/or scholarships at other institutions:

      • DAAD-PROMOS (in April/Mai for fall; in November/December for spring)
      • DAAD-Jahresstipendium (for studying abroad for two semesters; please check the deadlines which are different for different countries and may be several months before the stay abroad) 
      • Auslands-BAföG (apply 6 months before studying abroad)
      • Bildungskredit
      • other scholarships 

      More information on our website: Finanzierung und Stipendien

      Please check carefully whether you are eligible to apply: Some financial aid programs and scholarships might only be for German citizens or students who have graduated from German high school and/or have their permant residency in Germany. 

      You will find a data base of testimonials of former exchange students here (in German).

      An exchange student at Chung-Ang University talks about her stay in South Korea (recorded during the International Week 2020; in German):

      "Studium in Seoul, Südkorea "Live vom Auslandssemester an der Chung-Ang University während Corona"

      Introductory video for new international students at Korea University
      (with one of the exchange students from Goethe-Universität (spring 2021))