Partner universities worldwide (Direktaustauschprogramme)

Study abroad without having to pay tuition fees!


The advantages of studying abroad at a partner university include tuition fee waivers, a guaranteed place in a dormitory at some universities and usually facilitated transfer of credits received at the host institution. Currently students at Goethe-University may apply for a place at one of the following partner institutions.

Calls for applications are usually updated at the beginning of the fall term. 


apply in February
(to study abroad during the following academic year; see the call for applications on the website for the exact date of the deadline)

Approximately 8-10 students of Goethe-University may spend one semester at one of three partner universities in Seoul, South Korea.

8-9 students of Goethe University may spend 1-2 semesters at one of the two Japanese partner institutions: 3-4 students at Doshisha University in Kyoto for one semester each and 5 students at Osaka University for one or two semesters. 

Frankfurt students of Goethe-University have the opportunity to spend one or two semesters at Fudan University in Shanghai, China.

Two students of Goethe-University per year may study as exchange students at National Taiwan Normal University in Taipeh in Taiwan.

2-3 students of Goethe University have the opportunity to study for one semester (fall or spring) at Tel Aviv University and starting in 2024/25 at The Hebrew University Jerusalem.


Apply now to study in Latin America in Spring 2025!  

DEADLINE: Wednesday, 7 August 2024

apply in February
(to study abroad during the following academic year; see the call for applications on the website for the exact date of the deadline)

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Study in Mexico in spring 2025!  

4 students of Goethe University per year may study as exchange students at Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente (ITESO) in Guadalajara for one semester.

Language requirement: Spanish 

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Study in Columbia in spring 2025!  

2 students of Goethe University have the chance to study at Universidad de Santander in Columbia for one semester.

Language requirement: Spanish 

Places still available: Study in Brazil in spring 2025!  

4 students of Goethe University have the opportunity to study at Universidade da Bahia in Salvador da Bahia for one or two semesters. 

Language requirement: Portuguese


apply in November 
(to study abroad during the following academic year; see the call for applications on the website for the exact date of the deadline)

Each academic year about 15-20 students from Goethe-University have the chance to study at a US-American partner institution for one semester. 

Up to five students annually are nominated for a semester abroad at on of our Canadian partner institution. 


apply in May
(to study abroad during the following academic year; see the call for applications on the website for the exact date of the deadline)

Within the Hessen-Queensland-Exchange 1-3 Frankfurt students of Goethe University each year study at one of the participating universities in Queensland (Australia) for one semester.

Faculty exchange programs (non-ERASMUS)

Some faculties maintain additional cooperations with partner institutions abroad (non-ERASMUS). See the links on the following website to check whether your faculty has cooperations with universities abroad as well.

You will also find the link to the online registration for faculty cooperations.