Study Committee

The study commission appointed by the faculty council has the following tasks:

  • Discussing department-relevant evaluation results
  • Participating in the development of the courses of studies.
  • Evaluating and improving the academic programmes, course guidance and care offers.

Detailed responsibilities are described in the „Evaluationssatzung für Lehre und Studium der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a.M“ (Evaluation statute for teaching and studies at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt, German pdf file).

Legislative period of the study committee: 01.10.2022 bis 30.09.2024

Current members of the study committee are:

ProfessorsProf. Dr. Jens BredenbeckProf. Dr. Achilleas Frangakis

Prof. Dr. Reinhard DörnerProf. Dr. Henner Büsching

Prof. Dr. Harald AppelshäuserProf. Dr. Thomas Wilhelm

Prof. Dr. Holger PodlechProf. Dr. Joachim Jacoby

Prof. Dr. Cornelius Krellner 
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Roskos

Prof. Dr. Marc WagnerProf. Dr. Dirk Rischke
Scientific StaffJan ZimmermannHermann Lidberg

Julia SammetDr. Georg Wille
StudentsDaniel SamoylovJanika Kessler

Jonathan BeullensJonathan Schulte

Mahek CheemaPatricia Faramarzi