Susanne Garritzmann

Position: Post-doctoral researcher

Project: Project 4: “The Role of Internalized Efficacy Beliefs for Participation in Education and Political Life"

Role: Susanne studies how adolescents' experiences, in particular their experiences in schools, shape their (political) efficacy beliefs and how this in turn relates to their political attitudes and behavior. In the project, she focuses especially on cross-pressures experienced during individuals' early politically formative years: When individuals with a lower SES background are successful in school or / and gaining eligibility – which imprint do such experiences have on their internalized efficacy beliefs and, subsequently, their participation in political life?

About: Susanne completed her PhD on "Education Systems and Political Inequality – How Educational Institutions Shape Turnout Gaps" in 2021 at the University of Konstanz. The dissertation is the winner of the 2022 "Best Dissertation Award of APSA's Education Politics and Policy section". In addition to her position in the RISS project, she also is working with the Cluster of Excellence “The Politics of Inequality" (University of Konstanz) in the project PerFair which studies how students' perceptions of inequality impact their political attitudes and behavior. 

Selected publications

Garritzmann, Julian L. & Garritzmann, Susanne, 2024: Why globalization hardly has affected education systems: A historical institutionalist view. In: Paola Mattei, Xavier Dumay, Eric Mangez, Jacqui Behrend (Eds.): Oxford Handbook on Education and Globalization. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 550-571.

Busemeyer, Marius R., Garritzmann, Julian L., & Garritzmann, Susanne, 2023: Bildungspolitik. In: Georg Wenzelburger, Reimut Zohlnhöfer (Eds.): Handbuch Policy-Forschung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 657-681.  

Photo: Ines Janas