Monographs and edited volumes


Melancholy Democracy: Politics Beyond Hope and Despair. Habilitation submitted, Institut für Soziologie, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main

In Vorbereitung

Parliament Politics: A Material-Semiotic Analysis of Liberal Democracy.
Updated edition. Manchester: Mattering Press.

„The Insides and Outsides of Parliamentary Politics“
Sonderband der Social Studies of Science
Parliament Politics: A Material-Semiotic Analysis of Liberal Democracy. Promotionsschrift, Department of Sociology, Lancaster University, Großbritannien

Peer reviewed journal articles and book chapters

2021                            „Drug Places and Spaces of Problematisation: The Melancholy Case of a Hungarian Needle Exchange Programme“ Drugs and Alcohol Today (mit Róbert Csák).

2021                            „Relocating Innovation: Postcards from Three Edges“ In Andrea Ballestero und Brit Ross Winthereik (Hgs.) Experimenting with Ethnography: A Companion to Analysis. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, pp. 91-107 (mit Lucy Suchman und Laura Watts).

2021                            „Propositional Politics“ In James Maguire, Laura Watts und Brit Ross Winthereik (Hgs.) Energy Worlds in Experiment. Manchester: Mattering Press, pp. 66-94 (mit Andrea Ballestero, Hannah Knox, James Maguire und Michaela Spencer).

2020                            „Búskomor Politics: Practicing Critique beyond Hope and Despair“, The Sociological Review, Vol. 68, No. 2, pp. 356-368.

2020                            „Un/common Grounds: Tracing Politics Across Worlds“ Social Studies of Science, Vol. 50, No. 2, pp. 317-334 (mit Michaela Spencer).

2019                            „Becoming Stronger by Becoming Weaker: The Hunger Strike as a Mode of Doing Politics“ Journal of International Relations and Development, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 882-898 (mit Sebastian Abrahamsson).

2019                            „Von der Krise zu den Rissen liberaler Demokratie“ Soziologie,
Vol. 48, No. 4, pp. 442-445.

2019                            „Are Parliaments Still Privileged Sites for Studying Politics and Liberal Democracy?“ In Anders Blok, Ignacio Farías und Celia Roberts (Hgs.) Routledge Companion to Actor-Network Theory. London: Routledge, pp. 298-305.

2019                            „Asymmetries and Climate Futures: Working with Waters in an Indigenous Australian Settlement“ Science, Technology & Human Values, Vol. 44, No. 5, pp. 786–813 (mit Michaela Spencer und Yasunori Hayashi).

2018                            „Good Treason: Following Actor-Network Theory to the Realm of Drug Policy“ In Tobias Berger und Alejandro Esguerra (Hgs.) World Politics in Translation. London: Routledge, pp. 25-38.

2018                            ‘Politics beyond Words: Ethnography of Political Institutions’ In Bernard Forchtner und Ruth Wodak (Hgs.) Routledge Handbook of Language and Politics. London: Routledge, pp. 291-305.

2018                            „The Things of the Parliament: An ANT-Inspired Reading of Parliamentary Democracy“ In Jenni Brichzin, Damien Krichewsky, Leopold Ringel und Jan Schank (Hgs.) Soziologie der Parlamente. Wiesbaden: Springer, pp. 267-285.

2017                            „Walking as Knowing and Interfering“ Aggregate, Vol. 3, 12 June 2017.

2016                            „Samizdat lessons: Three dimensions of the politics of self-publishing“ Journal of Electronic Publishing, Vol. 10, No. 2.

2015                            „The Parliament as a High-Political Programme“ In Anna-Lisa Müller und Werner Reichmann (Hgs.) Architecture, Materiality and Society: Connecting Sociology of Architecture with Science and Technology Studies. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 99-118.

2013                            „Democracy in Ruins“ In Dariusz Gafijczuk und Derek Sayer (Hgs.) The Inhabited Ruins of Central Europe: Re-Imagining Space, History and Memory. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 55-78.

2007                            „The Internet and the Mobile Phone as Competing Metaphors“ In Kristóf Nyíri (Hg.) Mobile Studies. Paradigms and Perspectives. Vienna: Passagen Verlag, pp. 149-158.

2006                            „Xerox Project: Photocopiers as a Metaphor for an ‚Open Society‘“ The Information Society Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 111-115.

2005                            „Internet and Elections: Changing Political Strategies and Citizen Tactics in Hungary“ Information Polity, Vol. 10, No. 3-4, pp. 219-232 (mit Anna Galácz).

2005                            „East of West: Setting a New Central and Eastern European Media Research Agenda.“ Croatian Journal of Journalism and the Media. Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 119-138 (mit Ferenc Hammer und Miklós Sükösd).

2005                            „WLCM 2 UROP: Interconnected public spheres in the age of mobile communication.“ In Kristóf Nyíri (Hg.) A sense of place: The global and the local in mobile communication. Vienna: Passagen Verlag, pp. 129-138.

2003                            „Who’s in control? Viral politics and control crisis in mobile election campaigns.“ In Kristóf Nyíri (Hg.) Mobile Democracy: Essays on Society, Self and Politics. Vienna: Passagen Verlag, pp. 285-316 (mit Miklós Sükösd).

2003                            „M-Politics in the Making: SMS and E-mail in the 2002 Hungarian Election Campaign.“ In Kristóf Nyíri (Hg.) Mobile Communication: Essays on Cognition and Community. Vienna: Passagen Verlag, pp. 211-234 (mit Miklós Sükösd).

Book reviews and conference reports

2018                            „Needling Problems: How Might STS Engage with Harm? Review of Nicole Vitellone’s Social Science of the Syringe“ Science as Culture, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 552-556.

2016                            „Pictures at an exhibition – and beyond. Review of the “Reset Modernity!” exhibition, ZKM, Karlsruhe.“ Science and Technology Studies, Vol 29, No. 4, pp. 70-73 (mit Michaela Spencer).

2016                            „A Parliament of Sociologies. Report on the Soziologie der Parlamente? conference, Forum Internationale Wissenschaft (FIW) Bonn, 10–11 June 2016.“ Soziopolis, 18 Juli 2016. 

2016                            „Rivalry and its others. Review of Nick Thorpe’s The Danube: A Journey Upriver from the Black Sea to the Black Forest.“ Austrian History Yearbook, Vol 47, pp. 244-245.

2015                            „How do words count? Review of Douglas Holmes’ Economy of Words.“ Journal of Cultural Economy, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 535-537.

2012                            „The architecture of democracy. Report on the 2012 Milton Wolf Seminar, Vienna, 26-28 March 2012.“ World Policy Blog, 11 Juli 2012.

2009                            „The irony of memory politics. Review of Geoffrey Bowker’s Memory Practices in the Sciences.“ Time & Society, Vol 18. No. 2-3, pp. 214-216.

Online articles, blog posts

Eingereicht                   „The road to hell is paved with good intentions’ NatureCulture (mit Jeannette Pols)

2019                            „Doing STS in Germany: On meetings, workshops and basic conditions“
Blog Post über den STS-in-Germany Organisationsworkshop in Kassel, 21-22. Februar 2019, 4S Backchannels (mit Tanja Bogusz, Stefanie Büchner, Anja Klein, Stefan Laser, Martina Schlünder und Estrid Sørensen)

2017                            „When Worlds Meet“ Blog Post über die EASST 2018 Konferenz,
Centre for Science Studies, Lancaster University, 1 November 2017

2017                            „Studying Politics and Performing Critique Among Normative and Political Ruins“ Interview geführt von Nida Alahmad, Performing a State, 18 January 2017

2014                            „Postsocialism and STS.“ EASST Review, Vol. 33, No. 4.
(mit Susanne Bauer, Marija Bradic Vukovic, Márton Fabók und Ivan Tsalakov)

2014                            „From Openness to Openings: Reflections on the Experiments in Knowledge Production workshop.“ CSISP Online, 18 Juni 2014 (mit Joe Deville)

2013                            „Mattering Press: New forms of care for STS books,“ EASST Review, Vol. 32, No. 4. (mit Sebastian Abrahamsson, Uli Beisel, Joe Deville, Julien McHardy und Michaela Spencer)

2009                            „Drifting Locations.“ In Alistair Peebles und Laura Watts (Hgs.) Orkney Futures – a handbook. Buckquoy: Brae Editions.

2008                            „Relocating Innovation: Places and material practices of future making.“ (mit Lucy Suchman und Laura Watts)

​Research reports

2010 (mit Kathrin Braun): Spendende Verkäuferinnen oder bezahlter Altruismus. Eizellen für die Forschung: Verdeckte Strategien der Kommerzialisierung, Working Paper für EU-Projekt: Regenerative Medicine in Europe: Emerging Needs and Challenges in a Global Context (REMEDiE), Mai 2010, 31 S.

2007 (mit Kathrin Braun und Erich Grießler): The governance of genetic testing: A non-antagonistic setting, authentic publics, and moments of unease, Final Report for the EU Project: Participatory Governance and Institutional Innovation, Brussels, 169 S.