Lilith Dieterich, M.A.

​Research Associate

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Department of Social Sciences
Institute for Sociology

PEG-Building Campus Westend
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6
60323 Frankfurt am Main

Room 3.G 043
Phone 069/798-36635

Office Hours

During the summer term 2023/24, office hours will take place online. If you want to come to the office hours, please confirm via email (


since 02/2023

Associate of the project Tokenization and Financial Markets (ToFi) at ZEVEDI, Darmstadt


Research stay at UC Irvine, USA

since 03/2020       

PhD candidate, Faculty of Social Sciences, with Focus on Organization and Economy
(Prof. Barbara Brandl)


Participation in the New Political Economy Graduate Summer Institute, UC Berkeley


Research stay at University of Edinburgh, Scotland

10/2017–01/2020 Master of Arts, Sociology of Labor, Industry and Economy
(Friedrich-Schiller University Jena and UC Berkeley)


Bachelor of Arts, Social Work
(HTWK Leipzig)

09/2009–08/2013            Bachelor of Arts, Arabic Studies
(University of Leipzig)


06/2022    Stipend for New Political Economy Graduate Summer Institute, UC Berkeley

08/2019–12/2019        Promos Scholarship of the DAAD

Fields of activity

Economic and Financial Sociology, Political Economy, Sociology of Technology (especially Blockchain, DLT), Labor Sociology


  • Brandl, Barbara/Dieterich, Lilith (2021): The Exclusive Nature of Global Payments. The Significance of Centralized Intermediaries and the Role of Tech-driven Companies. Review of International Political Economy. Online first. 

Conference contributions and workshops

  • Finanzregulierung als technologischer Innovationsprozess? ZEVEDI Tagung zur e-Aktie. 15. Mai 2023 [Berlin]. Digital technology transforming finance? SASE 34rd Annual Meeting. July 9–11, 2022 [Amsterdam].
  • Project Development Workshop, Warwick Critical Finance Group, June 18–20, 2022 [Brussels].
  • Blockchain as financial infrastructure. DGS-ÖGS-Soziologiekongress. August 23-25, 2021 [online].
  • Regulating the Blockchain technology: the Quiet Politics of Finance. SASE 33rd Annual Meeting. July 2-5, 2021 [online].
  • Regulating Blockchain in the Financial Sector: The Visionary Dream Is Over. First Doctoral Conference on the Social and Political Constitution of the Economy, March 24-26, 2021, International Max Planck Research School on the Social and Political Constitution of the Economy [online].
  • Manuscript Development 2.0, Warwick Critical Finance Group, Februar 18, 2021, University of Warwick [online].


since 02/2023

Associate of the project Tokenization and Financial Markets (ToFi) at ZEVEDI, Darmstadt


Research stay at UC Irvine, USA

since 03/2020       

PhD candidate, Faculty of Social Sciences, with Focus on Organization and Economy
(Prof. Barbara Brandl)


Participation in the New Political Economy Graduate Summer Institute, UC Berkeley


Research stay at University of Edinburgh, Scotland

10/2017–01/2020 Master of Arts, Sociology of Labor, Industry and Economy
(Friedrich-Schiller University Jena and UC Berkeley)


Bachelor of Arts, Social Work
(HTWK Leipzig)

09/2009–08/2013            Bachelor of Arts, Arabic Studies
(University of Leipzig)


06/2022    Stipend for New Political Economy Graduate Summer Institute, UC Berkeley

08/2019–12/2019        Promos Scholarship of the DAAD

Fields of activity

Economic and Financial Sociology, Political Economy, Sociology of Technology (especially Blockchain, DLT), Labor Sociology


  • Brandl, Barbara/Dieterich, Lilith (2021): The Exclusive Nature of Global Payments. The Significance of Centralized Intermediaries and the Role of Tech-driven Companies. Review of International Political Economy. Online first. 

Conference contributions and workshops

  • Finanzregulierung als technologischer Innovationsprozess? ZEVEDI Tagung zur e-Aktie. 15. Mai 2023 [Berlin]. Digital technology transforming finance? SASE 34rd Annual Meeting. July 9–11, 2022 [Amsterdam].
  • Project Development Workshop, Warwick Critical Finance Group, June 18–20, 2022 [Brussels].
  • Blockchain as financial infrastructure. DGS-ÖGS-Soziologiekongress. August 23-25, 2021 [online].
  • Regulating the Blockchain technology: the Quiet Politics of Finance. SASE 33rd Annual Meeting. July 2-5, 2021 [online].
  • Regulating Blockchain in the Financial Sector: The Visionary Dream Is Over. First Doctoral Conference on the Social and Political Constitution of the Economy, March 24-26, 2021, International Max Planck Research School on the Social and Political Constitution of the Economy [online].
  • Manuscript Development 2.0, Warwick Critical Finance Group, Februar 18, 2021, University of Warwick [online].