Nahla El-Menshawy

Research Associate

2021.10.21_Portraits_Uni_PFE22 Portrait Nahla El-Menshawy

Goethe University Frankfurt a.M.
Department of Social Sciences
Institute for Political Science
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6
60323 Frankfurt am Main

Room 2.16 (Normative Orders)



Since October 2021, Nahla El-Menshawy is a research associate at the Professorship of Political Science with a focus on Radicalisation and Violence Research at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, as well as a doctoral candidate in the research initiative "ConTrust: Trust in Conflict - Political Coexistence under Conditions of Uncertainty“ at the Research Centre Normative Orders. Before joining Goethe University, she worked for the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in the a programme on Security, Reconstruction and Peace in Yemen. During her studies of social sciences at Humboldt University Berlin, she worked as a student advisor at the Institute for Social Sciences and completed an internship at the German Institute for Human Rights. She spent a year of study at King’s College London before starting her MA studies of Political Science and Geography at the University of Heidelberg. She also worked as a research intern in the research group "Africa and Middle East" at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs and she served as second chairperson of the board of the association Migration Hub Heidelberg.


Research interests:

  • Trust and conflict in Yemen
  • Transformation processes and social change
  • Autocracies and legitimation processes in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
  • Post-conflict states

In her dissertation project, Nahla El Menshawy investigates trust-building processes in the context of competing political orders and actors, as well as under conditions of civil war, in Yemen. In particular, she is interested in the role of tribes and social order.


Exams and Theses​

As a secondary supervisor Nahla El-Menshawy supervises BA and MA theses in the following fields of study, especially with a focus on the MENA region:

- Transformation and democratic processes

- Authoritarianism

- Legitimation processes in the Middle East

- Post conflict states and Civilian Conflict Management

If you are interested in a supervision, please contact me (

Photo Credits: Kristin Langholz