The following endowed professorships (*), funded professorships (**) and supported professorships (***) are currently occupied at the Goethe University:

Endowed professorships*

Lichtenberg-Professorship in Molecular Systems Medicine Foundation

Prof. Dr. Christian Münch
Faculty 16 Medicine


* Endowed professorships are sustainable and fully financed external from an endowment fund or the Goethe University endowment assets.

Funded professorships**

Professorship for Public Law, Economic and Currency Law, Financial Market Regulation and Legal Theory funded by the "Money and Currency" Foundation

Prof. Roland Broemel
Faculty 01 Law


Professorship for Business Law / Law and Finance supported by Commerzbank AG

Prof. Dr. Andreas Bijan Cahn
Faculty 01 Law


Professorship for Insurance, Insurance Supervision and Insurance Regulation funded by the General Association of the German Insurance Industry e.V.

Prof. Dr. Helmut Gründl
Faculty 02 Economics and Business


Professorship for Economics, in particular Monetary Economics, funded by the "Money and Currency" Foundation

Prof. Dr. Volker Wieland
Faculty 02 Economics and Business


Kathrin and Stefan Quandt Professorship for Inclusion Research

Prof. Dr. Vera Moser
Faculty 04 Educational Sciences


Dr. Willmar Schwabe Professorship for Drug Supply Research in Pharmaceutical Biology with a focus on Phytotherapy

Prof. Dr. Beatrice Bachmeier
Faculty 14 Biochemistry, Chemistry and Pharmacy


Professorship for Apiculture funded by the Polytechnic Society e.V.

Prof. Dr. Bernd Grünewald
Faculty 15 Biological Sciences


Dr. Rolf M. Schwiete Professorship in Hospital Hygiene

Prof. Dr. Stephan Göttig
Faculty 16 Medicine

Professorship in Experimental Pediatric Oncology and Hematology funded by the Frankfurt Foundation for Children with Cancer

Prof. Dr. Dirk Heckl
Faculty 16 Medicine

Professorship for Interdisciplinary Oncology funded by the Hospital zum Heiligen Geist Foundation

Prof. Dr. Elke Jäger
Faculty 16 Medicine


Willy Robert Pitzer Professorship in Molecular Virology of Human Pathogenic RNA Viruses funded by the State of Hesse as part of the LOEWE program

Prof. Dr. Mathias Munschauer
Faculty 16 Medicine

Dr. Rolf M. Schwiete Professorship in Predictive Psychiatry

Prof. Dr. Jonathan Repple
Faculty 16 Medicine

Professorship in Multimedication and Healthcare Research funded by INSIGHT Health GmbH

Prof. Dr. Marjan van den Akker
Faculty 16 Medicine


Dr. Rolf M. Schwiete Professorship in Digital Medicine and Clinical Data Science

Prof. Dr. Janne Vehreschild
Faculty 16 Medicine

Dr. Rolf M. Schwiete Professorship in Digital Medicine and Clinical Data Science

Prof. Dr. Tobias Weißgerber
Faculty 16 Medicine

Dr. Rolf M. Schwiete Professorship in Molecular Hepatology and Infection Research

Prof. Dr. Christoph Welsch
Faculty 16 Medicine

** Funded professorships are fully financed by external grants for at least 5 years.

Supported professorships***

Professorship for Financial Accounting & Corporate Governance supported by PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH

Prof. Dr. Katharina Hombach
Faculty 02 Economics and Business


Professorship for Research on the History and Impact of the Holocaust supported by the Johanna Quandt Jubilee Fund and the Schleicher Foundation

Prof. Dr. Sybille Steinbacher
Faculty 08 Philosophy and History


Professorship in Computational Life Science supported by Stefan Quandt

Prof. Dr. Roberto Covino
Faculty 12 Computer Science and Mathematics

Giersch-Professorship for Bioinformatics supported by the Giersch Foundation and the FIAS (fully funded until 9/30/2022, supported professorship as of 10/1/2022)

Prof. Dr. Franziska Matthäus
Faculty 12 Computer Science and Mathematics


Opel Zoo Professorship for Zoo Animal Biology supported by the Opel Hessian Zoo Foundation

Prof. Dr. Paul Wilhelm Dierkes
Faculty 15 Biological Sciences


Professorship for Wildlife/Zoo Animal Biology and Systematics supported by the Frankfurt Zoo

Prof. Dr. Lisa Maria Schulte
Faculty 15 Biological Sciences


Professorship for Virology with a focus on Corona Viruses supported by Stefan Quandt

Prof. Dr. Denisa Bojkova
Faculty 16 Medicine

Professorship at the Institute of Physiology (cardiovascular physiology) supported by the Dr. Rolf M. Schwiete Foundation

Prof. Dr. Ralf Brandes
Faculty 16 Medicine

Professorship at the Institute of Biochemistry II (cardiovascular biochemistry) supported by the Dr. Rolf M. Schwiete Foundation and the Else Kröner-Fresenius Foundation

Prof. Dr. Ivan Đikić
Faculty 16 Medicine


Professorship in Pediatric Epileptology supported by the Dr. Elmar and Ellis Reiss Foundation, the Dr. Senckenberg Foundation, and the Ernst Max von Grunelius Foundation

Prof. Dr. Susanne Schubert-Bast
Faculty 16 Medicine

*** Supported professorships are proportionately financed by external grants for personnel and/or material resources for a period of usually not less than 3 years.


Andreas Eckel
Private university funding
+49 69 798 12277

Dr. Denise Daum 
+49 69 798 12342