Fellowship Track 2023/24

Johannes Bade

Johannes Bade is head of unit for Science and the Arts at the Hessian Representation to the EU.

Topics of interest: Trust in politics and society, regulation of new genetic engineering, public health and health risks and crises, climate and energy research

Anne-Kathrin Cleef

Anne-Kathrin Cleef is deputy head of unit in the Organisation and Administrative Modernisation Unit of the Hessian Ministry of the Interior and Sport. 

Topics of interest: Gender research, ageing society and demography, climate protection and sustainability, biodiversity

Stefanie Eckstein

Stefanie Eckstein heads the Integration through Education Unit at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Topics of interest: Educational equity, securing skilled labour, social cohesion 

Carsten Frank

Carsten Frank heads the Debt and Government Bond Markets Unit at the Federal Ministry of Finance.

Topics of interest: Financial market analysis/government bond markets/methods, macroeconomic outlook, macroprudential risks, international governance

Dr. Laura Hanske

Laura Hanske is responsible for Public Health Research at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Topics of interest: Innovation, knowledge transfer, future of medical research, biotechnology, mobility, (cultural) diversity and gender equality 


Dr. Claudia Hiepe

Claudia Hiepe is deputy head of unit and officer in the Environment Unit at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. 

Topics of interest: Social-ecological transformation: actors at the science-policy interface, international policy advice through sustainability, sustainable consumption, new culture of awareness for social change

Dr. Florian Höppner

Florian Höppner is head of unit in the Budget Division of the Federal Ministry of Finance. 

Topics of interest: Financing of the state, external influences on policy-making, state and market, gender studies, issues of equality and policy-making (on financial issues) 

Alison Imrie

Alison Imrie is Senior Expert in the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research and Innovation.

Topics of interest: Priorities for research and innovation, impact-focused research – approaches and challenges, multidisciplinary research, and the integration of social sciences and humanities in research projects

Dr. Bastian Kern

Bastian Kern heads the Export Financing and Export Credit Guarantees Unit in the European Policy Division at the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Clmiate Action.

Topics of interest: Bedeutung der geopolitischen Veränderungen für die internationalen Beziehungen, Risiken bei exportorientierten Unternehmen und finanzierenden Banken, juristische Aspekte staatlicher Interventionen im Wirtschaftsleben, Veränderungsprozesse im Regierungshandeln

Claire Kersting

Claire Kersting works.at the Independent Commissioner on Child Sexual Abuse’s Office at the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. 

Topics of interest: Youth policy, interdisciplinarity and participation in politics and science, international education research and German education policy, child protection and children's rights

Dr. Anna Kranzdorf

Anna Kranzdorf heads the Minister's Office of the Ministry of Science and Health Rhineland-Palatinate.

Topics of interest: Research on ageing, freedom of expression and cancel culture, good working conditions in academia, modern working environments and skilled labour, historical development of current crises, future of healthcare

Dr. Christian Langhagen-Rohrbach

Christian Langhagen-Rohrbach heads the Department of Mobility, Logistics, Inland Navigation at the Hessian Ministry of Economics, Energy, Transport and Housing in Wiesbaden. 

Topics of interest: Gesellschaftliche Entwicklung, Energieerzeugung und Verbrauch, Stadtentwicklung, IT/Digitalisierung

Martin Larch, PhD

Martin Larch, PhD, heads the Secretariat of the European Fiscal Board at the European Commission.

Topics of interest: Risk sharing versus risk reduction in EU economic governance, progress towards a genuine EU fiscal capacity, coordination of economic policies in the EU: from common concern to coordinated action

Sabine Mesletzky

Sabine Mesletzky is Managing Director of the Innovation Agency Rhineland-Palatinate.

Topics of interest: Political interest groups in Germany, current transformation processes in the SME sector, innovation landscape in Germany, 'New Work' and its implications for organisations and society

Dr. Julia Schmidt

Julia Schmidt is head of unit at the Federal Chancellery in charge of the areas of work of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.

Topics of interest: Social interests in Germany, role of the constitution in Germany, legal questions on descent, prostitution, protection of women, integration policy, modern work

Joachim Schmitt

Joachim Schmitt is personnel and organisation officer at the Ministry of Economy, Transport, Agriculture and Viniculture Rhineland-Palatinate.

Topics of interest: Ethical issues, processing trauma, dealing with fear, diplomacy, European Union, differences between opportunism and pragmatism

Dr. Michael Schulze-Jackowski

Michael Schulze-Jackowski is responsible for fundamental tax issues, reform and constitutional issues at the Hessian Ministry of Finance.

Topics of interest: Financial provision for elderly, tax legislation based on equality, tax application and tax morality, digitalisation and artificial intelligence

Dr. Christine Steinhoff

Christine Steinhoff is acting head of the Scientific Services of the German Bundestag for environment, nature conservation, reactor safety, education and research. 

Topics of interest: (Natural) scientific policy advice, climate research, digitalisation and artificial intelligence

Dr. Andreas Stüdemann

Andreas Stüdemann heads the division responsible for the budget of the Hessian Parliament, the Hessian Ministry of the Interior and Sport and the Hessian Ministry for Economic Affairs, Energy, Transport and Housing in the Budget Department of the Hessian Ministry of Finance.

Topics of interest: Artificial intelligence/digitalisation, criminal and citizenship law, labour models of the future, international politics, social policy, media

Rainer Wichern

Rainer Wichern is Head of Unit at the Directorate General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union of the European Commission. 

Topics of interest: Real estate sector, payment morale, media and mentality, risk aversion and financing, climate goals and energy transition