Ethics Board


  • Conducting of ethics reviews and ethics reporting for approved research projects or research projects approved subject to a positive ethics review as well as ethics monitoring at the applicant's request.
  • Reviews are conducted under consideration of the provisions of the respective institution requesting the ethics report/ethics monitoring.


The Ethics Board convenes at the applicant's request or prior to a pending report.

Submission deadlines

There are four submission deadlines per year, each of which is two weeks after the meeting of the doctoral committee (Promotionsausschuss).

For summer semester 2024:        13.05.2024; 29.07.2024

For winter semester 2024/25:       04.11.2024; 24.02.2025

Please submit your application via email to

Please enter the following text in the subject line: “Application for an Ethics Review".

Attachments should not exceed 3 MB.

Eligible to apply are members of the Faculty of Social Sciences. In the case of theses, the supervising professor is responsible for submitting the application. 

Link to the application form

Application form German / English

Members of the Ethics Board

Chair: Prof. Dr. Daniela Grunow

Vice-chair: Prof. Dr. Reinhard Wolf

For sociology      For political science
Prof. Dr. Markus Gangl     Prof. Dr. Uta Ruppert
Prof. Dr. Daniela Grunow     Prof. Dr. Sandra Seubert
Prof. Dr. Heather Hofmeister   Prof. Dr. Reinhard Wolf
Zsófia S. Ignácz, PhDr   Prof. Dr. Thomas Zittel
Prof. Dr. Sarah Speck