Project 2 

 Internalized Gender and Parenting Norms   ​

The project analyzes norms regarding gender and parenting which relate to the share and intensity of mothers' and fathers' allocations of time and (emotional) support for their children. Such norms seem to be highly contested in present societies–not only between social groups, e.g. women and men but also within various social groups, e.g. among the highly educated. We analyze in how far this situation can be explained by the socio- structural reconfiguration of gender, socioeconomic status (SES), and immigrant background. Multidimensional social changes have dramatically altered the covariance of these characteristics, potentially with severe repercussions for family life and gender relations. We investigate to what extent reconfiguration and cross-cuttingness of these characteristics resulted in new social identities, which can explain the variance and contestation regarding gender and parenting norms. In addition, we assess which social groups are better able to put their parenting preferences into practice.


Acar, T. (2023). Transformation of Family Processes: Towards a New 'Family' in Turkey? [Aile Süreçlerinin Dönüşümü: Türkiye'de Yeni bir 'Aile'ye Doğru mu?]. In N. Ş. Taşgın & Y. Ahi (Eds.), Bu Çağda Aile: Güncel Tartışmalardan Bir Kesit (pp. 77-106). Notabene Publishing. 

Begall, K., Grunow, D., & Buchler, S. (2023). Multidimensional gender ideologies across Europe: Evidence from 36 countries. Gender & Society, 37(2), 177-207.

Diabaté, S., Grunow, D., & Braack, M. (2023). A step to the left? Gender ideologies and political party identification in Germany. European Sociological Review, 39(6), 992-1004.

Grunow, D., & Lietzmann, T. (2021). Women's employment transitions: The influence of her, his, and joint gender ideologies. Demographic Research, 45, 55-86.