Dr. Rosa Daiger von Gleichen

Rosa von Gleichen

Position:  Post- Doctoral Researcher

Project: Rosa works across all RISS projects

RoleRosa studies the importance of organizations (e.g. employers, unions, parties, voluntary associations) in the internalization and reconfiguration of social structure. On the one hand, she examines how organizations shape, and are shaped by changes in social identity formation as part of the internalization of social structure. On the other hand, she examines to what extent the role of organizations in society has changed and how this has contributed to or resulted from the reconfiguration of social structure.

About: She completed her PhD at the Department of Social Policy and Intervention at the University of Oxford on a scholarship from the Heinrich Böll Foundation. The title of her dissertation is “Work-family Policy in the United States and Germany: Sub-federal and employer- provided policy." The first of four articles to comprise the dissertation has been published in Social Policy & Administration.

Selected Publications:

Daiger von Gleichen, R. (2023). Employer-provided childcare across the 50 United States: The normative importance of public childcare and female leadership. Journal of Social Policy, 1–21. Online Version  

Daiger von Gleichen, R. (2022) 'Employer-provided leaves: Paths to (paid) maternity and paternity leave', in Dobrotić, I. Blum, S. and Koslowski A. (eds) Research Handbook on Leave Policy. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. Online Version

Daiger von Gleichen, R. and Parolin, Z. (2020) 'Varieties of liberalism: A comparative analysis of family policy and poverty outcomes across the 50 United States', Social Policy and Administration 54(6), pp. 933- 951. Doi: 10.1111/spol.12617. Online Version

Daiger von Gleichen, R. and Seeleib-Kaiser, M. (2018) 'Family Policies and the Weakening of the Male Breadwinner Model', in Shaver, S. (ed.) Handbook on Gender and Social Policy. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 273–307. Doi: 10.4337/9781785367168.00015. Online Version