Prof. Sigrid Roßteutscher, Ph.D.


Faas, T. & Roßteutscher, S. (2023): Wissen die Eltern, was sie tun? Ein empirischer Beitrag zur möglichen Einführung eines Familienwahlrechts und seinen Folgen. In T. Faas, S., S. Huber, M. Krewel & S. Roßteutscher (Eds.), Informationsflüsse, Wahlen und Demokratie (p.319–354). Baden-Baden: Nomos. Online Version   

Jansen, M. P.; Becker, B.; Salikutluk, Z.; Garritzmann, S.; Roßteutscher, S. (2024): I (don't) need to know that I can make it. Socioeconomic differences in the link between students' academic self-efficacy and their educational aspirations and decisions. Cogent Education.Online Version  

Leininger, A., Sohnius, M., Faas, T., Roßteutscher, S. & Schäfer, A. (2022). Temporary Disenfranchisement: Negative Side Effects of Lowering the Voting Age. American Political Science Review, 1–7, 355–361. Online Version 

Leininger, A., Schäfer, A., Faas, T. & Roßteutscher, S. (2024): Coming of Voting Age. Evidence from a Natural Experiment on the Effects of Electoral Eligibility. Electoral Studies (88), Online Version 

Roßteutscher, S., Faas, T., Leininger, A. & Schäfer, A. (2022): Lowering the Quality of Democracy by Lowering the Voting Age? Comparing the Impact of School, Classmates, and Parents on 15- to 18-Year-Olds' Political Interest and Turnout. German Politics 31 (4), 483–510. Online Version  


Ruhe, C., Suntay, O., Roßteutscher, S. & Traunmüller, R. Extremist violence, discrimination, and Muslim religious identification.