Prof. Dr. Daniela Grunow

Position: Principal Investigator

Projects:  Entire RISS research group

RISS Project No.1: CoRE– Conceptualizing Reconfiguration for Empirical Research

RISS Project No.2: Internalized Gender and Parenting Norms: Assessing Reconfigurations between Gender, Socio- Economic Status and Immigrant Background

Role: Daniela Grunow coordinates the research group and data joint collection and develops, together with other RISS PIs, the joint conceptual framework. She designs theory-driven research strategies and operationalizations to assess multidimensional change in the social structure and writes research papers based on the RISS theoretical framework and empirical findings.

About: Daniela Grunow is Professor of Sociology with a focus on "Quantitative Analyses of Social Change" at the Department of Social Sciences at Goethe University and spokesperson for the RISS research group. She specializes in the analysis of social change with a focus on gender, norms, ideologies, and work. Her research and teaching focus on the interactions of labor market, domestic work and gender relations in different welfare states as well as on aspects of social integration and cohesion.

Selected Publications

Abendroth, A. K., & Grunow, D. (2024). Organisationen als Filter sozialen Wandels: die Rolle von Betrieben für [die Veränderung von] Arbeitsmarktungleichheiten. In P. Böhnke & D. Konietzka (eds.), Handbuch Sozialstrukturanalyse (pp. 1-20). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. Online Version  

Begall, K., Grunow, D., & Buchler, S. (2023). Multidimensional gender ideologies across Europe: Evidence from 36 countries. Gender & Society, 37(2), 177-207. Online Version   

Diabaté, S., Grunow, D., & Braack, M. (2023). A step to the left? Gender ideologies and political party identification in Germany. European Sociological Review, 39(6), 992-1004. Online Version
Grunow, D., & Khoudja, Y. (2024). Multidimensionalität sozialstrukturellen Wandels. In P. Böhnke & D. Konietzka (eds.), Handbuch Sozialstrukturanalyse (pp. 1–36). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. Online Version  

Grunow, D., Sachweh, P., Schimank, U. & Traunmüller, R. (2023). Social Integration: Conceptual Foundations and Open Questions. An Introduction to this Special Issue. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 75 (Suppl 1), 1-34. Online Version  

Grunow, D., Sachweh, P., Schimank, U. & Traunmüller, R. (2023). What We Have Learned About Social Integration: Conclusion. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 75 (Suppl 1), 415–430. Online Version  

Grunow, Daniela & Lietzmann, Torsten (2021): Women's employment transitions: the influence of her, his and joint gender ideologies. In: Demographic Research. 45(3), 55-86. Online Version

Grunow, Daniela & Evertsson, Marie (2019): New Parents in Europe: Work-Care Practices,Gender Norms and Family Policies. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. Grunow, Daniela (2019):Comparative analyses of housework and its relation to paid work: Institutional contexts and individual agency.In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, Vol 71, Supplement 1, 247-284. doi:10.1007/s11577-019-00601-1. Online Version 

Grunow, Daniela, Begall, Katia & Buchler, Sandra (2018): Gender Ideologies in Europe: A Multidimensional Framework. In: Journal of Marriage and Family. 80(1), 42-60. Open Access. doi: 10.1111/jomf.12453. Online Version 

Schäfer, I., Khoudja, Y. & Grunow, D. (2024). Gender attitudes and the new cultural divide in Europe. Social Science Research, 122, online first, Online Version   

Steffen Eger, Dan Liu & Daniela Grunow (2022): Measuring Social Solidarity during Crisis: The Role of Design Choices. In: Journal of Social Computing, ISSN 2688-5255 03/06 pp139−157 Volume 3, Number 2, June 2022 DOI: 10.23919/ JSC.2022.0003. Online Version 

Weber, M., Grunow, D., Chen, Y., & Eger, S. (2023). Social solidarity with Ukrainian and Syrian refugees in the twitter discourse. A comparison between 2015 and 2022. European Societies, 1-28, Online Version