Eva Raschke

Position: Researcher

RISS Project  No. 4: The Role of Internalized Efficacy Beliefs for Participation in Education and Political Life

Role: Eva works on the development of scales measuring efficacy- beliefs regarding school and politics in adolescents.

About: After working as a researcher at Kassel University and Marburg University with a main focus on education and democracy research, Eva has been employed as a researcher at Frankfurt University since 2018, where she worked in a project about integration of refugee children in schools before working in the RISS- Project.

Selected Publications:
Raschke, Eva & Westle, Bettina (2018): Flitterwochen mit der Demokratie? Politische Unterstützung von Migranten in Europa. Zeitschrift für vergleichende Politikwissenschaften 01/2018. Online Version