Summer / Winter Universities

Institutions of higher learning all over the world offer a wide variety of short term programs such as summer and winter schools. These are often conducted in English. Summer and winter schools are a good opportunity to get some international experience if, for whatever reason, you may not study abroad for a whole semester.  

  • Since a huge number of summer and winter schools are offered all over the world covering a high number of academic study fields, we advice you to search online for the perfect summer or winter school for you. You may want to start searching by either a certain country, city or university (if that is your priority) or the academic field that the short-term program should cover. 
  • Here, you may find a small collection of summer and winter schools at our partner universities as well as at other institutions. All this information was sent to us unsolicited. If you have questions regarding these summer and winter programs, please contact the organizing institution. 
  • Transfer of credits: Credits earned at a summer or winter university may be transferable. Please talk to the person in charge at your faculty or the examination office (Prüfungsamt).
  • Scholarship: You may apply for PROMOS. 

Summer/Winter Universities at Partner universities 

All posted information on summer and winter programs below were sent to us unsolicited. Please note that posting these does not imply a recommendation. 
KU Leuven, Faculty of Economics and Business, Belgien
Fudan University, Shanghai, China   
 !!! 10% Rabatt für Studierende der GU !!!
  • 5 Wochen, Anfang Juni – Mitte Juli, englischsprachig
  • Veranstaltungen in den Bereichen Chinese Society and Politics, Chinese History and Culture und Chinese Business and Economy sowie Sprachkurse auf verschiedenen Niveaus
  • Infos zum Programm
  • Bewerbung im Rahmen des Austauschprogramms möglich: weitere Infos hier
Fudan University, Shanghai, China  
LSE London School of Economics/Peking University
University of Jyväskylä, Finnland
EDHEC Business School, Nice
Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po)
Sorbonne Université, Paris
Tel Aviv University, Israel
  • Summer Programs (verschiedene Fachrichtungen und Sprachkurse)
  • Juni/Juli/August
  • Infos zum Programm
Università di Bologna
Università di Pisa
University of Amsterdam
University of Oslo
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz
Universität Wien
  • International Summer Program "European Studies" 
  • Mitte Juli - Mitte August
  • Infos zum Programm
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
Linköping University     
University of Ljubljana
Università Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
Ewha Womans University, Seoul
  • Session I: verschiedene Fachrichtungen, Engl./Korean. (4 Wochen, Ende Juni – Ende Juli)
  • Session II: Korean culture, history and language, englischsprachig (2 Wochen im August)
  • Infos zum Programm
Chung-Ang University, Seoul
!!! 50% Rabatt für Studierende der GU !!!
  • CAU Summer Program: Korean Culture and Society und versch. Fachrichtungen, englischsprachig (4 Wochen, Ende Juni – Ende Juli // 3 Wochen im August)
  • Winter Program: Korean culture, society and language, englischsprachig (3 Wochen im Januar/Februar)
Korea University, Seoul
Sogang University, Seoul
Charles University, Prag
Charles University, Prag
Masaryk University, Brno
  • Teilgebührenerlass für Studierende von Partnerunis
  • viele verschiedene Studienrichtungen
  • Infos zum Programm
University of Birmingham
  • 4 Teilstipendien für Studierende der GU        
  • Birmingham International Summer School
  • Infos zum Programm
University of Cambridge
King's College
LSE London School of Economics

LSE summer schools in London, Juni/Juli/August

LSE-UCT Summer School in Cape Town, Juni/Juli

LSE-PKU Summer School in Beijing, August

University College London
Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne

  !!! 15% Rabatt für Studierende von Partneruniversitäten !!!

University of Southampton

Summer Universities at other Universities / Institutions

All posted information on summer and winter programs below were sent to us unsolicited. Please note that posting these does not imply a recommendation. 


University of Padova, Italien (organisierende Institution) und andere Institutionen weltweit
Summer and Winter Schools (viele verschiedene Fachgebiete)
Infos zum Programm


LSE London School of Economics / University of Cape Town
LSE-UCT Summer School in Cape Town, Juni/Juli
Infos zum Programm


Peking University, China (with The London School of Economics and Political Science)
LSE - Peking University Summer School, August
Infos zum Programm

JSPS Summer Program (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) - mit Stipendium!
JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research (nur MA und PhD students; humanities, social sciences and natural sciences), Juni-Aug
Infos zum Programm


Science Survival Kit Summer semester, Split, Kroatien
Science Survival Kit Summer Semester, Juli - August
Infos zum Programm

Off the Beaten Track Summer Field School, Gozo, Malta
The world's longest standing field school for Cultural Anthropology and Humanities, Juni/Juli/August
Infos zum Programm

Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Österreich
International Summer University, Juli/August
Infos zum Programm

North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk
Summer Schools, Juli/Aug
Infos zum Programm

Europeum, Prag, Tschechien
European Summer School: “Europe in motion", Juli
Infos zum Programm

University of Cambridge, UK
EucA Cambridge Summer School: European Political Identity, September
Infos zum Programm

University of Oxford, UK
International Summer Schools, Juli - August
Infos zu den Programmen

Informationen zum DatenschutzAll posted information on summer and winter programs below were sent to us unsolicited. Please note that posting these does not imply a recommendation.