David Hengsbach, M.A.

Research Associate and PhD candidate in the DFG-funded Research Training Group "Standards of Governance"

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Department of Social Sciences
Institute for Sociology

PEG-Building Campus Westend
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6
60323 Frankfurt am Main

Room 3.G 043
E-mail: hengsbach@soz.uni-frankfurt.de


since 04/2023 PhD candidate in the DFG-funded Research Training Group "Standards of Governance"

since 10/2022 Research Associate; Focus on Organizational and Economical Sociology
(Prof. Barbara Brandl)

12/2021–09/2022 Research Assistant; Focus on Organizational and Economical Sociology
Prof. Dr. Barbara Brandl

10/2017–09/2021 Master of Arts, Economic and Financial Economy
Goethe University Frankfurt

09/2018–12/2018                   Study visit ate the Université de Bordeaux

10/2013–09/2017 Bachelor of Arts, Political Science
Philipps-Universität Marburg

Fields of activity

Economic and Financial Sociology, Political Economy, Sociology of Money, Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)


Brandl, Barbara/Hengsbach, David/Moreno, Guadalupe (2024): Small money, large profits: how the cashless revolution aggravates social inequality. Socio-Economic Review. Online first.

Conference Contributions

Building European tracks for payments: the digital euro and the technopolitics of infrastructure standardization. Early career scholars' conference "The State of “The State" in Economic Sociology: Perspectives on State Capacity in Transformative Times". Mittelbautagung der DGS Sektion Wirtschaftssoziologie, Freie Universität Berlin. April 19, 2024 [Berlin].

The digital euro as an infrastructural integration project. Early Career Workshop "(Dis-)Continuities of European Economic Integration: Conflicts, Crises and Opposition". Hamburg Institute for Social Research. November 24, 2023 [Hamburg].

Threat of digitalization to modern money: Paths to CBDCs in three countries. SASE 34rd Annual Meeting. July 9-11, 2022 [Amsterdam].


since 04/2023 PhD candidate in the DFG-funded Research Training Group "Standards of Governance"

since 10/2022 Research Associate; Focus on Organizational and Economical Sociology
(Prof. Barbara Brandl)

12/2021–09/2022 Research Assistant; Focus on Organizational and Economical Sociology
Prof. Dr. Barbara Brandl

10/2017–09/2021 Master of Arts, Economic and Financial Economy
Goethe University Frankfurt

09/2018–12/2018                   Study visit ate the Université de Bordeaux

10/2013–09/2017 Bachelor of Arts, Political Science
Philipps-Universität Marburg

Fields of activity

Economic and Financial Sociology, Political Economy, Sociology of Money, Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)


Brandl, Barbara/Hengsbach, David/Moreno, Guadalupe (2024): Small money, large profits: how the cashless revolution aggravates social inequality. Socio-Economic Review. Online first.

Conference Contributions

Building European tracks for payments: the digital euro and the technopolitics of infrastructure standardization. Early career scholars' conference "The State of “The State" in Economic Sociology: Perspectives on State Capacity in Transformative Times". Mittelbautagung der DGS Sektion Wirtschaftssoziologie, Freie Universität Berlin. April 19, 2024 [Berlin].

The digital euro as an infrastructural integration project. Early Career Workshop "(Dis-)Continuities of European Economic Integration: Conflicts, Crises and Opposition". Hamburg Institute for Social Research. November 24, 2023 [Hamburg].

Threat of digitalization to modern money: Paths to CBDCs in three countries. SASE 34rd Annual Meeting. July 9-11, 2022 [Amsterdam].