Julio Caceda Adrianzen

Doctoral Student
Goethe University Frankfurt
Faculty of Social Sciences
Institute of Political Science

House "Normative Ordnungen"
Max-Horkheimer-Straße 2, Room 3.13
Map of the Campus Westend

E-Mail: julioa.caceda@pucp.pe
Office hours: on appointment 

Research Focus

In my research I focus on theories of social justice, specifically the Capabilities Approach and Critical Theory. In my dissertation, I seek to engage in a dialogue between the two approaches to answer who are the subjects and agents of justice, what is the foundation and purpose of social justice, and on what characteristics should we evaluate the advancement of justice. On this basis, I seek to propose a theory of justice based on a specific type of responsibility, which I call noumenal, and which allows us to raise considerations of justice beyond humans.



2018 - 2021           Superintendent's Advisor at National Superintendency of University Higher Education (SUNEDU)
2017 - 2018Member of the team of the Advisor in communications and conflicts at National Superintendency of University Higher Education (SUNEDU)

2017 - 2018Research Assistant at the Institute for Human Development in Latin America (IDHAL-PUCP)

2016 - 2017

Research Assistant in Education topics at Peruvian University Cayetano Heredia (UPCH)

2016 - External consultant of the General Office for Cooperation and International Affairs General Office for Cooperation and International Affairs at Ministry of Heath of Peru

2015 - 2016Research Assistant in Higher Education topics at Peruvian Studies Institute (IEP)  

Activities and Awards

since 08/2021Doctoral Scholarship of Katholischer Akademischer Ausländer-Dienst (KAAD)

2017Kuklys prize of Human Development and Capability Association (HDCA)

2016Research Support Program for Graduate Students-PAIP-PUCP for Master Thesis proposal-Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP) 

2014President of the Students Federation of Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP)


since 2022      Dissertation on the topic "Dialogues between Capability Approach and Critical Theory in the search for justice" (Supervised by Prof. Dr. Moellendorf)

2018M.A. in Human Development: Approaches and Policies - Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP). Graduated with Summa Cum Laude.

2017Philosophy professional degree - Pontifical Catholic University Peru (PUCP)

2016B.A. in Humanities with mention in Philosophy - Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP)


Articles in research journals 

CUENCA, R. y CACEDA, J. (2017). Ideales normativos, normas y praxis: patologías sociales sobre los directivos escolares en el Perú (Normative Ideals, Norms and Praxis: Social Pathologies on School Directors in Peru). REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 2 (15), pp. 5-29. https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2017.15.2.001

CACEDA, J. (2022). ¿Libertad de qué? La Libertad social o el reconocimiento mutuo como condición de posibilidad de las Capacidades. (Freedom from what? Social Freedom or Mutual Recognition as a condition of possibility of Capabilities). Ideas y Valores, 71(179), 138–160. https://doi.org/10.15446/ideasyvalores.v71n179.81336   

Smaller works

-CACEDA, J. (2017). Hacia la construcción de un nuevo enfoque de justicia “pluriversal” (Towards the construction of a new approach to pluriversal justice). La colmena: revista de sociología, (10), pp. 59-65. Link http://revistas.pucp.edu.pe/index.php/lacolmena/article/view/20687/20477

-GAMIO, G. E.; VALENCIA, A. S.; GUILLEN, H. R.; CACEDA, J. A.; RUIZ BRAVO, P. M. y GOMEZ, S. L. (2020). Estudios sobre la justicia, agencia y poder. (Studies about justice, agency and power.) PUCP. Link: http://repositorio.pucp.edu.pe/index/bitstream/handle/123456789/170706/DDT_002_Justicia,%20Agencia%20y%20Poder.pd f?sequence=5   


Contemporary Justice Debates: Critical Theory and Capability Approach (WiSe 2023/24) 

Contemporary Justice Debates: Critical Theory and Capability Approach (Wise 2022/2023)

Argumentation at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (2018-2021)