

Vortrag: The Labour of Capitalisation

11.05.2022, Andrew Barry, Evelina Gambino (University College London): The Labour of Capitalisation

This lecture seeks to engage with recent debates around the capitalisation of infrastructure by interrogating how capitalized futures are both fixed and destabilised in the present. We understand the capitalisation of infrastructure as a project aimed at extracting future profit into the present. Rather than a smooth process, capitalisation is sustained by all manners of efforts that bridge between the future, the present and the past. In particular, we argue that there is a need to attend to the specific forms of specialist labour going into the capitalisation of infrastructural projects which we term the labour of capitalisation, which is expected to stabilise or fix the future and to render it predictable and manageable, acting on and through time. The lecture draws on the fieldwork that we have undertaken, together and independently, across three of the major infrastructural projects that have sustained developmental trajectory of the Republic of Georgia since its independence. In the cases we outline, and others, the capitalisation of infrastructure gives rise to diverse types of anti-capitalisation, destabilising or disrupting the performance of the different forms of labour on which capitalisation relies.