Timotheus Kartmann

Timotheus Kartmann

Research Assistant

Timotheus Kartmann is a cultural anthropologist, historian of science and urban researcher. He studied in Freiburg im Breisgau and in Frankfurt am Main. Since July 2022, he has been working at the Institute for Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology as a research assistant. Previously, he taught as an external lecturer (mainly urbanization and globalization) at the institute since 2020.

He works as a dramaturg, production and project manager, and editor primarily for the International Theater Frankfurt and the Güneş Theater and supports cultural education associations nationwide. In his dissertation project, he examines the history of "social museums" in their transcontinental interconnectedness and explores "social museology" as a mode of contemporary socio-political knowledge production.

Economic and corporate anthropology; transnational infrastructures; historical epistemologies; post/decolonial theories; critical urbanism and ethnological urban studies; praxeology; critical anthropological history; museum, media, and socio-political contact zones; science & technology intersectional; social, cultural, and media inclusion; transcultural dramaturgy; anthropology of digital politics.
Dissertation Project (ongoing)

  • Soziale Museologie. Widersprüche und Praxen zivilgesellschaftlicher Wissensproduktion. Dissertationsprojekt bei Prof. Dr. Gisela Welz am Institut für Kulturanthropologie / Europäische Ethnologie (Frankfurt)

  • Academics, Activists and Urban Resistance Networks: Case Study of a Frankfurt based Working Group. September 2013. Conference: THE IMPASSES OF CRITIQUE Intellectual Praxis at an Age of Political Impotence. At: Van Leer Jerusalem Institute
Summer Term 2023

Lehrforschungsprojekt: Wissen | Stadt. Kokonstruktive Epistemologien des Urbanen

Winter Term 2022/23
Grundlagenseminar Globalisierung

Summer Term 2022
Einführung in die Empirische Kulturforschung
Forschungsseminar Globalisierung
Grundlagenseminar Globalisierung
Grundlagenseminar: Problemdefinition und Forschungsdesign

Winter Term 2021/2022
Wissensproduktionen in der Stadt: Forschungsseminar

Summer Term 2021
Globalisierung: Transnationale Ökonomien und Europäische Integration

Winter Term 2020/21
Urbanisierung: Stadtentwicklung, Infrastruktur, Mobilität. Lektürekurs.


Timotheus Kartmann
Institut für Kulturanthropologie und Europäische Ethnologie
Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1
60323 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49 069/798-32915
Office: 1.457

Office Hours

Summer Term 2024

By arrangement