New Students

​Welcome at the Institute of Computer Science!

Please keep in mind that studying at Goethe University's Department of Computer Science requires German language profiency at DSH-2 level, as most courses are held in German. For more information on German language requirements, as well as general information on studying at Goethe University as an international student, please check out the Office of Global Affairs, Study and Teaching.

The websites of the Studien-Service-Center (SSC) provide information on the next steps once you're admitted as a student, such as enrolling, the semester ticket and living in Frankfurt (in German). The Wegweiser für Erstsemester, the digital guide for new students, is especially useful.

Each semester, the Department of Computer Science offers a Vorsemesterkurs Informatik as a preparation for your first courses as an undergraduate Informatics student (in German).

Do you want to improve, further or refresh your mathematics skills? Then we recommend you to participate in the Online Mathematik Brückenkurs (OMB+), as well as the Vorkurs Mathematik, which is offered during the winter semesters. Both of these are held in German.