Networks and Cooperations

The CoRe initiative has set itself the goal of systematically bringing the attribution, assumption, averting, and bearing of responsibility into the focus of social and cultural science knowledge production. From our point of view, it is necessary, on the one hand, prepare a wide variety of diverse research traditions from various (sub-)disciplines. In this way, different empirically and theoretically significant dimensions of the concept of responsibility can be made accessible across institutional boundaries and be mobilized and operationalized as inspiration for future research projects. On the other hand, it is our concern to link the current research interests of our members to a productive relationship with existing debates through regular and structured exchange and to make them analytically rich.

See CoRe's website for further information.

The Lab for Studies in Science and Technology is an interdisciplinary research network established in 2019. It brings together sociological, anthropological, and geographical expertise to examine the complex challenges of technoscientific developments in contemporary societies. LaSST initiates collaborative projects in teaching and research and aims to coordinate the activities of scholars working in the field of Sience and Technology Studies at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main and beyond.

More on the LaSST website.

The Institute has long-standing relations other European and non-European universities based on common research interests and publications.

For a list of universities with which the Institute has Erasmus exchanges, see Study Abroad.

Other Networks