The Modern East Asian Studies (MEAS) programme allowed me to explore East Asia from a social science perspective while simultaneously deepening my Chinese language and studies skills. This well-rounded foundation paved the way for my later entry into the academic world as a researcher in Chinese politics. In addition to providing an academically stimulating and challenging study environment, I think a real strength of this English language MA programme is its highly diverse and international student cohort. Everybody in the programme grew together as a community, studying together and organising social events – many of us have stayed in contact over the last decade. Finally, the staff and university were extremely supportive and friendly. I was able to flexibly adjust my studies by taking voluntary methods courses, completing a semester-long internship in China as well as working as a student research assistant at the university. All of these academic, social and practical experiences have been highly valuable to me to this day.

Christina Maags, class of 2013

Photo credits: Christina Maags