Lena Reimann 
         Master's student

Research interests
I am very much interested in how plant species adapt to changing environments. My bachelor's thesis focused on C3 and C4 species' germination and growth under different temperature conditions in South American Gomphrenoideae (Amaranthaceae s.s.). In my master's thesis, I aim at investigating the recent evolution of drought responses of a Belgian Clinopodium vulgare L. (see picture) population. For this purpose, I am performing a resurrection study combined with contrasting water availability and severe drought at different life cycle stages.


2015 - 2018: B.Sc. in Biology at the University of Mainz, Germany

2018 - now: M.Sc. in Ecology & Evolution at the University of Frankfurt, Germany


Lena Reimann, B.Sc.
Master's student

Department of Plant Evolutionary Ecology
Goethe-University Frankfurt
Max-von-Laue-Str. 13
Biologicum, room 1.316
60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
